- David Keiser-Clark ([email protected]), Office for Information Technology, Williams College
- (Chris Warren, formerly of Williams College)
This is a set of unit tests, based on the Simpletest framework, for verifying functionality of an Islandora site or multiple sites. Instructions for use:
- Copy the "institution.cfg.php.sample" file and rename it "institution.cfg.php"
- Update the default values within the "institution.cfg.php" configuration file
- From your laptop, navigate to the correct localhost path (i.e. http://localhost/icg_islandora_unit_tests/TestNarrowSuite.php) to run this set of unit test files against any live or local server.
- Note that testing against "TestNarrowSuite.php" offers micro-control for developing tests, while "TestOfWebPageSuite.php" or "TestOfAllSuite.php" runs against larger or all available tests.
- Single configuration file (institution.cfg.php) permits you to set the target domain. It is easy to switch tests between local, development or production servers.
- Test the live, dev or local server (and easily switch your focus)
- Test web accessibility
- Test database (Fedora) accessibility
- Test main site and multisite accessibility
- Test basic site functionality
- Test existence of specific pages
- Test solution packs
- Test collections (this site only)
- Test collection objects
- Test search and facets
- Test security conditions
- Test login functionality and expectations
- Test both HTTP and HTTPS functionality
- install: Apache, PHP 5.2 (or higher); can run locally by installing XAMPP (Apache/PHP development environment)
- Note the following custom/edited files in the otherwise default "/simpletest/" directory:
- "web_tester_islandora.php" (new file - extends default testing behavior)
- "reporter.php" (edited file - improved css/html for more pleasant UI test results)
- Copyright (c) 2016 Williams College
- Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
- Free as in Bacon.