Ellera Cookie Consent Plugin
You can install this plugin from the Plugin Store.
To give you full control over where the plugin is rendering the consent template. The cookie banner should be the first thing in the DOM for keyboard and screen-reader users.
You need to add this line right after your start-body-tag in the relevant layout file(s):
{% hook 'after-body-start' %}
Navigate to the plugin inside your Control Panel. If you have the correct permissions, it should be visible in the menu.
Go to "Site Settings" and add your cookies and cookie groups (We've added some basic ones for you already).
Toggle the "Activated" lightswitch and you're off!
Update the template file under Site Settings to point to your template file.
The path is rendered with Craft::$app->view->renderTemplate()
You can turn off loading of assets in Site Settings if you have your own.
You can look in vendor/elleracompany/craft-cookie-consent/src/resources
to see the functionality currently implemented by the plugin.
You can use this function to manage cookie generation for your scripts
{% if craft.cookieConsent.getConsent('slug') %}
You can use it in SEOmatic by navigating to admin/seomatic/tracking
and updating the script template.
- Project.yaml compatibility
You will need to bust the SEOmatic cache in your twig templates (not in the SEOmatic script field)
{# -- START Cache-bust seomatic -- #}
{% set scriptContainer = seomatic.script.container() %}
{% do scriptContainer.clearCache(true) %}
{# -- END Cache-bust seomatic -- #}
After that you can update the script field inside SEOmatic to something like this:
{% if trackingId.value is defined and trackingId.value %}
(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
})(window,document,'script','{{ analyticsUrl.value }}','ga');
ga('create', '{{ trackingId.value |raw }}', 'auto'{% if linker.value %}, {allowLinker: true}{% endif %});
{% if ipAnonymization.value or craft.cookieConsent.getConsent('default-marketing') != true %}
ga('set', 'anonymizeIp', true);
{% endif %}
{% if displayFeatures.value and craft.cookieConsent.getConsent('default-marketing') %}
ga('require', 'displayfeatures');
{% endif %}
{% if ecommerce.value and craft.cookieConsent.getConsent('default-marketing') %}
ga('require', 'ecommerce');
{% endif %}
{% if enhancedEcommerce.value and craft.cookieConsent.getConsent('default-marketing') %}
ga('require', 'ec');
{% endif %}
{% if enhancedLinkAttribution.value and craft.cookieConsent.getConsent('default-marketing') %}
ga('require', 'linkid');
{% endif %}
{% if enhancedLinkAttribution.value and craft.cookieConsent.getConsent('default-marketing') %}
ga('require', 'linker');
{% endif %}
{% set pageView = (sendPageView.value and not craft.app.request.isLivePreview) %}
{% if pageView %}
ga('send', 'pageview');
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
You can use a console command to clear out old consents from the database.
./craft cookie-consent/retention/clear
This command has three optional parameters:
Parameter | Alternative | Default | Type | Description |
-d # | --days # | 365 | Integer | Sets number of days to keep records |
-s # | --sid # | null | Integer | Pass a site ID to only clear consents from that site |
-s | --handle | null | String | Pass a site handle to only clear consents from that site |
note: you can only pass sid or handle - not both. If a site is not specified, consents will be deleted from all sites.
Example: Delete all consents older than 2 years from site with ID 1
./craft cookie-consent/retention/clear -sid 1 -d 730
As of version 1.6.0, a new object window.ccc has been added to the default template.
This object contains key-value pairs of consents and their status.
The object will be created if the default javascript file is loaded, and a form with the ID #elc-cookie-consent-form exists and has the data-show
-attribute has the url to the consent show endpoint(/cookie-consent/show)
Plugin Icon designed by Trinh Ho from Flaticon