Provision a Raspberry Pi that already has Raspberry Pi OS installed, contains a provision user with sudo permissions, and has sshd installed and running. If using SSH public key authentication then the provision user's public key must be included in their authorized keys file.
This role depends on the base provision role.
ENTRY POINT: main - Provision Raspberry Pi
Provision a Raspberry Pi that already has Raspberry Pi OS
installed, contains a provision user with sudo permissions,
and has sshd installed and running. If using SSH public key
authentication then the provision user's public key must be
included in their authorized keys file.
OPTIONS (= is mandatory):
- raspi_kernel_restart
If true, restart into new kernel during provision
[Default: True]
type: bool
- raspi_memory_split_megabytes
Amount of shared memory (in megabytes) to dedicate to the GPU
[Default: 16]
type: int
This role can either be installed manually with the ansible-galaxy CLI tool:
ansible-galaxy install git+,main,wandansible.provision
ansible-galaxy install git+,main,wandansible.provision.raspberry_pi
Or, by adding the following to requirements.yml
- name: wandansible.provision
- name: wandansible.provision.raspberry_pi
Roles listed in requirements.yml
can be installed with the following ansible-galaxy command:
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
- hosts: all
- role: wandansible.provision.raspberry_pi
become: true
root_password: "hunter2"