This was hard programmed to reside in /media/Websites/voogle
A LAMP search engine for server or desktop.
run mysql_script_update to create database
mysql -uyourusername -pyourpassword Intranet < mysql_script_update
(for simplicity sakes you can have a username of your_username and a password of password to get this going)
change username and passwrods in the voogle/include/dbconnect.php to your mysql criteria on your rig put voogle/new-scripts/voogle.conf to /etc/voogle.conf - change the information you need
Add locations in your mysql table provided after the script was ran.
in scripts directory run "test" to build your database and import file locations/attributes. Add to cron job if you like.
In the php files - and some bash scripts the unsername and password, you will need to be mysql username and password specific.
(I am assuming you have experience with Linux, Apache, mysql, and PHP or LAMP servers)
The folder voogle needs to be placed in /media/Websites
Load your httpd.conf apache file - and encorporate the new directory/website.
Load php modules in httpd.conf as well
For httpd.conf put your folders that you plan on searching and keeping tabs on in the alias section.
Also I have hard coded the IP in the search return results - since it is my own router so you may need to tweak that yourself.
Start Apache, php, and mysql
Dependencies: Maria-db, PHP, APACHE, LINUX, fortune-mod (if you want the random quotes)
I removed the logo, feel free to put whatever you want in there.
For continuous monitoring - you will need inotify-tools
Known issues I may/maynot fix - if you find any or want to contribute you are more than welcome to do so.
Unable to play some videos in browser
Searching .folder names can crash the program or have it go into an infinite loop.
[]'s in filename will cause entire path in search result link not just filename.
apostrophes can break links