Implementation of the SRW pseudo-contraction operation
The compiled JAR binaries can be found in the dist directory.
Requires Java 8 and Maven 3.
(to generate a plug-in for Protégé)./
(to generate a standalone version with HermiT reasoner embedded) -
Any OS:
Firstly, run
mvn install
in the directory SRWPseudoContraction.Then, run
mvn package
either in the directory SRWPseudoContractionProtegePlugin or in the directory SRWPseudoContractionStandalone (respectively, to generate a plug-in for Protégé or a standalone version with HermiT reasoner embedded).
In any case, a JAR file will be generated in the target subdirectory.
To use the plug-in for Protégé, just copy the JAR file into the plugins subdirectory of your Protégé installation. Then, on Protégé, the plug-in window can be added from the menu Window > Views > Ontology views > SRW Pseudo-contraction. The plug-in has been developed to work with Protégé 5.1.0, but it may work with other versions as well (not tested).
To use the standalone version, use the following command line (requires Java 8):
java -jar srwpseudocontraction.standalone-1.jar -i <ontology-file-name> -o <output-file-name> -f <formula-to-be-contracted>
java -jar srwpseudocontraction.standalone-1.jar -i people+pets.owl.rdf -o output.owl -f "Rex Type: dog"