#Zo2 Framework Zo2 Framework is a Joomla template framework, built from scratch, and heavily support Bootstrap framework and LESS. Zo2 Framework comes with Drag & drop layout builder which allows you to create any number of stunning and unique layouts up to 5x faster than traditional way.
- Layout Profiles Manager
- Add/Rename/Delete Layout Profile
- Assign a layout profile to a specific menu item
- Layout Builder
- Drag and drop component
- Component
- Smoother drag drop
- Advanced grid and responsive settings based on Twitter Bootstrap 3
- Mega Menu
- Menu builder from backend
- Support Twitter Bootstrap CSS framework
- Integrate Twitter Bootstrap
- Font Awesome Icons
- Responsive layout
- Typography
- Mobile supported
- Shortcode
- Shortcode structure
- OOP for shortcode
- Fonts Options
- Choose from hundreds Google Web Fonts with live preview
- Support FontDeck
- Many options to style your font
- CSS + JS Compress & Combination
- Combine CSS + JS
- Compress CSS + JS
- LESS compiler
- Integrate LESS compiler
The latest version (v1.4.1): ZO2 Framework
##Demo http://demo.zo2framework.org
- Version 1.0.0: released on December 07th, 2013
- Version 1.1.0: released on December 24th, 2013
- Version 1.2.0: released on December 30th, 2013
- Version 1.2.1: released on Jan 08, 2014
- Version 1.3.0: released on Jan 24, 2014
- Version 1.3.1: released on Feb 17, 2014
- Version 1.3.2: released on Mar 03, 2014
- Version 1.3.3: released on Mar 11, 2014
- Version 1.3.4: released on Mar 24, 2014
- Version 1.3.5: released on Apr 14, 2014
- Version 1.3.6: released on Apr 22, 2014
- Version 1.3.7: released on Apr 28, 2014
- Version 1.3.8: released on May 12, 2014
- Version 1.3.9: released on May 31, 2014
- Version 1.4.0: released on August 20, 2014
- Version 1.4.1: released on Sep 06, 2014
1.2.1: Dec 30, 2013 - Jan 06, 2014
+ socialshare
+ shortcodes update with adding layout
+ bugs fix
+ move googlefont json into assets/vendor/
+ Keep cleanup all formfields to use Zo2Assets intead JDocument
+ remove timthumb.php
1.3.x: Jan 06, 2024 - Mar 31, 2014
+ allow extend json config in template
+ refactor for json config file structure / format
+ assets.json: list of assets files will be load
+ improve loadAssets via json config file
+ improve Zo2Framework
+ remove compileLess
+ remove getSystemPluginPath
+ remove getPluginPath
+ force all assets follow structure (plugin & template)
+ bring shortcodes into standard package
+ bugs fix
+ refactor ajax
+ complete of twitter styles
+ allow enter without params (use default)
+ button:
+ provide as form to input value than generate everything
+ bugs fix
+ backend ajax
Everyone is welcome to help contribute and improve this project. There are several ways you can contribute:
- Reporting issues (please read issue guidelines)
- Suggesting new features
- Writing or refactoring code
- Fixing issues
- Replying to questions on the forum
Use the Zo2 Support to ask questions and get support.
##Copyright, License & Usage
Copyright (c) 2008 - 2014 CleverSoft Solutions
Zo2Framework is licensed under GNU General Public License (GPL), version 2 or later. http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
You are free to use Zo2 Framework for your personal and commercial projects. You do not have to keep the Zo2 or Zootemplate links and logos in the front end, however, you must ensure that all copyright notices in the code are retained. Also, if you intend to use the Zo2 Framework in a commercial project, or a template you intend to redistribute in any form, please retain a "Powered by Zo2" logo and link in the backend administrative interface.