Hexamine is a Neovim plugin that provides a dynamic floating window for displaying and converting hexadecimal data under the cursor. It features dynamic resizing, automatic repositioning based on cursor movement, and various data type conversions.
You can install Hexamine using your favorite package manager.
With Lazy, use:
config = function()
config = {}
Hexamine has a few configuration keys you can use. The default configuration given below contains them all:
config = {
keymap = {
close = "<Esc>", -- Default key for closing the floating window
highlights = { "Normal", "Search" }, -- Highlights used for alternating rows
In particular, to disable the alternating row highlights, use the following snippet in the config:
config = {
highlights = { "Normal", "Normal" }
The plugin provides the following Neovim commands.
This command opens a floating window at the cursor position.
This command closes the floating window opened by :Hexamine