Web scraping, is data scraping used for extracting data from websites using its HTML structure. In this project, I used BeautifulSoup python package in order to automatically extract all lyrics from artists at https://metrolyrics.com, to then build an artist's classifier to predict the artist on new text. The program works in three modes: The scraping mode, the training mode and the prediction mode which are described in the next sections
- spacy 2.2.1
- sklearn 0.21.3
- pandas 0.23.4
- langdetect 1.0.7
- googletrans 2.4.0
- beautifulsoup 4.6.5
In scraping mode, the program will automatically gather the data from the web for the artists defined, using beautifulsoup package. Then, it will create a database containing the title of the songs, the name of the artist, the url to the lyrics, the text of the lyrics, its length (number of letter), its main language (label obtained from the text using langtetect package). An additional column contain its translation in english using googletrans package. The program can easily adapted to translate the lyrics to other language (see the notebook Example_googletrans, to see a simple example how to translate a portuguese text to english, spanish or french).
Then it will be saved to disk as a csv file.
Below, an example how the database should look like:
In training mode, the program will read a database from the disk, and then it will preprocessed the words to return features and label. The preprocessing consists mainly in:
Apply neural net from spacy package to filter punctuation, numbers, stop word and return lemmatized words. In this program i used the english version of spacy, but it can easily be adapted by loading instead another language version of spacy model.
Apply a count vecorizer of words for all lyrics in the database followed by a TFIDF (frequency–inverse document frequency) transform to the words. The TFIDF transform used is from the sklearn package.
It will save the transform to the disk (to be used later on prediction mode)
Then features and label will be used to train a naive bayes classifier (multinomial), and a logistic regression classifier. Both with slight regularization. Both model's weights will be saved to disk to be used in prediction mode.
In prediction mode, the program will ask for new text to predict between the artists. It will load the weights of transforms and model, and will deliver its predictions (for both Bayes and logistic regression models). Below, a demo example where the program ask for new text to predict between Coldplay, Rihanna, Eminem, Akon and Metronomy. It correctly predicted this text being from Coldplay.
To use the program, you can launch from the terminal: python main.py
and it will run with the default options (prediction mode on new text from Coldplay, Rihanna, Eminem,
Akon or Metronomy). The default options can be modified as followed:
python main.py OPTIONS
Possible OPTIONS (with default setting) are defined below:
* Mode of the program:
--mode: default='prediction', type=str, choices=['scraping', 'training', 'prediction']
* Folder where to save weights of models (for training mode):
--weights_folder: default='./weights', type=str
* Folder where to save data base or to read database:
--data_folder: default='.', type=str
* Name of the file to read as database (for training mode):
--name_file_to_read: default='Database_songs.csv', type=str
* Name of the file to save to disk as database (for scraping mode):
--name_file_to_save: default='Database_songs.csv', type=str
* Number of artists considered:
--nb_artist: default=5, type=int
* List of artists considered:
--list_artist: default=['Coldplay','Rihanna','Eminem','Akon','Metronomy'], type=list
Here are some example to use with a different database as the one included in this repository.
Let's suppose you want to create a database for only rihanna and eminem, you would have to type on the terminal:
python main.py --mode='scraping' --nb_artist=2 --list_artist="Eminem,Rihanna" --name_file_to_save="Data_test.csv"
Now, if you want to train the models on this new database and save them to disk to a new folder, you would have to type on the terminal:
python main.py --mode="training" --name_file_to_read="Data_test.csv" --weights_folder="weights_test"
Now if you want to predict on new text, you will have to type:
python main.py --mode="prediction" --list_artist="eminem,rihanna" --weights_folder="./weights_test"