This project showcases simple bindings of Android ARCore into react-native. It's not a full arcore wrapper in rect-native, just reveals the path for integration in bigger awesome projects.
I'll update it as I improve the interface and controls in my project.
My project is based on Google's Java ARCore starter example.
with ARSession as a react UI Component, easy to integrate -
Callbacks from native code to JS
Load modules and textures as base64
Object scaling
Object rotation
Object selection
Object moving
I'll skip the "integrate into your project" part cause it's pretty boring and you probably know that already. You can also run this project out of the box(droid only). Note: You need an ARCore compatible device and the preview sdk installed on your phone(
const Dimensions = require('Dimensions');
return <ARSurfaceViewDroid style={{width:Dimensions.get('window').width, height:Dimensions.get('window').height}} />
Yes, you need to make it full screen, otherwise the touch listener will go crazy and no longer recognize your input. Feel free to make a pull request with a fix :)
DeviceEventEmitter.addListener('onObjectPlaced',(data) => {})
DeviceEventEmitter.addListener('onObjectSelectd',(data) => console.log(data))
DeviceEventEmitter.addListener('onPlaneStateUpdate',(data) => console.log(data))
DeviceEventEmitter.addListener('onError',(error) => console.log(error))
componentDidMount() {
setTimeout(() => {
Note that I did the loading in componentDidMount
with 1 second delay, so my native object will be instantiated by the time this code is executed.
Now you should be able to load Raptors with shadows, move, rotate and scale them.