Vaadin Framework 8.1.0.beta1
Vaadin Framework 8.1.0.beta1 is a pre-release version for evaluating the enhancements mentioned below. With subsequent beta releases we may change things based on your feedback, and that may lead to API breaking changes.
Vaadin Framework 8.1.0 New Features
New Components: TreeGrid and Tree
- Show hierarchical data in your UI
- Replaces V7 Tree and TreeTable
- Samples
- Documentation
Components in Grid
- Using
you can have any component in a grid's cell - Sample
- Documentation (scroll down for ComponentRenderer)
Grid Drag and Drop
- Dragging of rows and dropping data in between or on top of rows
- Sample
- Documentation
HTML5 Drag and Drop Support
- Any component can be made a drag source or drop target with the
- Component DnD Sample
- FileDropTarget Sample
- Documentation
OSGi and Liferay 7 Support
- OGSi support documentation
- OGSi portlet documentation
- Simplify OSGi manifest generation
- Make standard static resources available in OSGi
- Support a custom theme with OSGi
- Support a custom widgetset with OSGi
Additional Enhancements:
- LocalDateRender and LocalDateTimeRenderer
- Programmatically set Grid’s row height
- Content mode for TabSheet.Tab description
- Using textContent instead of innerText for Grid TextRenderer (optimization)
- Binder and BeanValidationBinder now support nested bean properties
- Composite component for wrapping a component without an extra DOM element.
- Warranty fix for row selection in Grid when using overridden getId()
- Many other fixes