pyramid_promosite - is not CMS, this is a module that helps you quickly create a website. Pyramid_promosite is similar to django flatpages, but written in pyramid and more features.
$venv/bin/python develop or pip install pyramid_promosite
$venv/bin/populate_pyramid_promosite development.ini
$venv/bin/pserve development.ini
- admin page
- admin, moderator, editor, author role
- create and sort pages
- create translations of pages
- create subpages
- WYSIWYG editor with upload images
- tags for page if you want to create blog
- multilanguages support
- template for mobile phone ready
- flexibility
- (
- your site there...
- logs of users activity
- versioning pages
- autosave page
if you have the opportunity to help the project, I would be happy to finalize:
- tests
- docs for
- translate on other languges
- security with crypt(bcrypt or sha) and group table
- scaffolds for pcreate
- rewrite templates for true CSS, HTML design
- anything from TODO
- or anything else...
CRUD - create, read, update, delete
- Admin can CRUD ALL
- Moderator can CRUD all pages and images
- Editor can CRUD all pages
- Authon can CRUD only own pages