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facundominguez committed Jun 7, 2022
1 parent da2deda commit f73828c
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Showing 2 changed files with 6 additions and 93 deletions.
97 changes: 6 additions & 91 deletions src/Language/Fixpoint/Solver/PLE.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -804,36 +804,8 @@ evalApp γ ctx e0 args@(e:es) _
return (Just newE, noExpand)

evalApp γ ctx e0 (e1:es2) et
| EVar f <- dropECst e0
, Just (rws0, NoUserDataSMeasure) <- Map.lookup f (knSimsByMeasureName γ)
= do
env <- gets (seSort . evEnv)
-- polymorphic measures like @prop :: a -> b@ might offer equations for
-- constructors of different sorts, here we select the equations that
-- match the sort of e1
let rws = filter (rwMatchesExpr env e1) rws0
okFuel <- checkFuel f
if okFuel && et /= FuncNormal && not (null rws)
then do
let newE = substRW γ rws e1
(e', changed, fe) <- shortcut γ ctx et newE es2 -- TODO:FUEL this is where an "unfolding" happens, CHECK/BUMP counter
let e2' = simplify γ ctx e' -- reduces a bit the equations
if changed
then do
useFuel f
modify $ \st ->
st { evNewEqualities = S.insert (eApps e0 (e1:es2), e2') (evNewEqualities st) }
return (Just e', fe)
-- Don't unfold the expression if there is an if-then-else
-- guarding it, just to preserve the size of further
-- rewrites.
return (Nothing, noExpand)
else return (Nothing, noExpand)

evalApp γ ctx e0 es _et
| eqs@(_:_) <- nonUserDataMeasureEqs γ (eApps e0 es)
| eqs@(_:_) <- noUserDataMeasureEqs γ (eApps e0 es)
= do
let eqs' = map (second $ simplify γ ctx) eqs
modify $ \st ->
Expand All @@ -856,53 +828,18 @@ shortcut γ ctx et (EIte i e1 e2) es2 = do
_ -> return (eApps (EIte b e1 e2) es2, False, expand)
shortcut _ _ _ e' es2 = return (eApps e' es2, True, noExpand)

-- | unfolds a measure when the argument is not a known
-- constructor
substRW :: Knowledge -> [Rewrite] -> Expr -> Expr
substRW γ rws0 e1 = go rws0
go [rw] = mkBranch rw
go (rw:rws) = EIte (EApp (testConstructor (smDC rw)) e1) (mkBranch rw) (go rws)
go [] = error "substRW: Unexpected empty rewrites"

mkBranch rw =
let mdc = M.lookup (smDC rw) (knDataCtors γ)
su = [ (s, mkSelector mdc (smDC rw) i e1) | (i, s) <- zip [0..] (smArgs rw) ]
in subst (mkSubst su) (smBody rw)

mkSelector mdc dcname i =
case mdc of
Just dc -> EApp (EVar $ val $ dfName $ dcFields dc !! i)
Nothing -> case L.find (\(_, (dc, si)) -> i == si && dc == dcname) (knSels γ) of
Just (selname, _) -> EApp (EVar selname)
Nothing -> error $ "substRW: can't find selector for " ++ show dcname
testConstructor = EVar . testSymbol

-- | Creates equations that explain how to rewrite a given constructor
-- application with all non-user data measures
nonUserDataMeasureEqs :: Knowledge -> Expr -> [(Expr,Expr)]
nonUserDataMeasureEqs γ e =
-- application with all measures that aren't user data measures
noUserDataMeasureEqs :: Knowledge -> Expr -> [(Expr,Expr)]
noUserDataMeasureEqs γ e =
[ (EApp (EVar $ smName rw) e, subst (mkSubst $ zip (smArgs rw) es) (smBody rw))
| (ef, es) <- [splitEAppThroughECst e]
, EVar f <- [dropECst ef]
, Just rws <- [Map.lookup f (knNonUserDataMeasures γ)]
, rw <- rws
, Just rws <- [Map.lookup f (knSims γ)]
, (rw, NoUserDataSMeasure) <- rws
, length es == length (smArgs rw)

-- | @rwMatchesExpr env e rw@ is true when the sort of @e@
-- unifies with the sort returned by @smDC rw@.
rwMatchesExpr :: SEnv Sort -> Expr -> Rewrite -> Bool
rwMatchesExpr senv e rw =
let sp = panicSpan "rwMatchesExpr"
et = sortExpr sp senv e
rSort = resultSort $ sortExpr sp senv $ EVar (smDC rw)
in Mb.isJust (unifySorts rSort et)
resultSort (FFunc _ t) = resultSort t
resultSort (FAbs _ t) = resultSort t
resultSort t = t

-- | 'substEq' unfolds or instantiates an equation at a particular list of
-- argument values. We must also substitute the sort-variables that appear
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -981,11 +918,6 @@ data Knowledge = KN
-- augmented with an attribute that say whether they originate from a
-- user data declaration.
knSims :: Map Symbol [(Rewrite, IsUserDataSMeasure)]
-- | Like 'knSims' but rewrites are grouped by measure name, and this
-- does not include non-user-defined data measures
, knSimsByMeasureName :: Map Symbol ([Rewrite], IsUserDataSMeasure)
-- | Non-user-defined data measures. e.g. null, head, and tail
, knNonUserDataMeasures :: Map Symbol [Rewrite]
, knAms :: Map Symbol Equation -- ^ All function definitions
, knContext :: SMT.Context
, knPreds :: SMT.Context -> [(Symbol, Sort)] -> Expr -> IO Bool
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1020,18 +952,6 @@ knowledge cfg ctx si = KN
{ knSims = Map.fromListWith (++) $
[ (smDC rw, [(rw, NoUserDataSMeasure)]) | rw <- sims ] ++
[ (smDC rw, [(rw, UserDataSMeasure)]) | rw <- dataSims ]
, knSimsByMeasureName = Map.fromListWith (\(rw0, dms) (rw1, _) -> (rw0 ++ rw1, dms)) $
[ (smName rw, ([rw], NoUserDataSMeasure))
| rw <- sims
, not (isTestSymbol (smName rw)) -- not a constructor test
, not (isSelector rw)
] ++
[ (smName rw, ([rw], UserDataSMeasure)) | rw <- dataSims ]
, knNonUserDataMeasures = Map.fromListWith (++) [ (smDC rw, [rw])
| rw <- sims
, isTestSymbol (smName rw) -- a constructor test
|| isSelector rw
, knAms = Map.fromList [(eqName eq, eq) | eq <- aenvEqs aenv]
, knContext = ctx
, knPreds = askSMT cfg
Expand All @@ -1050,11 +970,6 @@ knowledge cfg ctx si = KN
else RWTerminationCheckDisabled
isEVar (EVar _) = True
isEVar _ = False

isSelector rw = isEVar (smBody rw) && elem (smBody rw) (map EVar (smArgs rw))

(simDCTests, sims0) =
partitionUserDataConstructorTests (ddecls si) $ aenvSimpl aenv
(simDCSelectors, sims) =
Expand Down
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions tests/tasty/SimplifyPLE.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,8 +16,6 @@ simplify' = PLE.simplify emptyKnowledge emptyICtx
-- away with leaving some of them @undefined@.
{ knSims = M.empty, -- :: Map Symbol [(Rewrite, IsUserDataSMeasure)]
knSimsByMeasureName = M.empty, -- :: Map Symbol ([Rewrite], IsUserDataSMeasure)
knNonUserDataMeasures = M.empty, -- :: Map Symbol [Rewrite]
knAms = M.empty, -- :: Map Symbol Equation
knContext = undefined, -- :: SMT.Context
knPreds = undefined, -- :: SMT.Context -> [(Symbol, Sort)] -> Expr -> IO Bool
Expand Down

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