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DRC Replacement Project

Glen Horton edited this page Jan 11, 2022 · 23 revisions

Project goal: Migrate existing DRC content from old DSpace application and shutdown the old platform


  • Develop a new repository application that can support the current DRC content
  • Deploy new application to hosting environment
  • Clean up and migrate existing DRC content to new platform
  • Sunset the old DSpace platform

Project history:

  • March 2020: Task force charged in March 2020
  • 2020: Planning, metadata work, and initial application developed
  • January - Feb 2021: development sprints
  • March - December 2021: pause and regroup

Tentative timeline:

  • January 2022: Project restart
  • February - May 2022: Develop software
  • Summer 2022: Migrate DRC content to new application
  • August 2022: Sunset old DRC platform

Current (obsolete) DSpace platform


  • Moved from OhioLINK to UC in 2014
  • DSpace 1.8.2 (released 2/24/2012)
  • Images, audio, PDFs, etc.
  • Over 600,000 items
  • ~60 collections
  • ~9 terabytes of content
  • Cincinnati Birth and Death Records: 530,517 items

Reasons for migrating away from current DRC platform:

  • DSpace software is old and highly customized - cannot be upgraded
  • DSpace software is vulnerable to security issues
  • Several features are broken and cannot easily be fixed (image viewer, OAI export, etc.)
  • IT@UC is unable to continue supporting the Oracle database
  • Interface is outdated

New Samvera platform

New application

  • A Samvera-based Hyrax application
  • Same underlying application as Scholar@UC

Major features required to support DRC content:

  • Handles (preserve the current perma-links)
  • Metadata field management (using Allinson Flex)
  • GUI-based ingest/export (using Bulkrax)
  • Batch editing (round tripping)
  • Limiting works to a single collection
  • enhanced search and browse
  • archival master support

Links and resources



  • DSpace: open source digital repository application
    • bitstream: a single file
    • item: group of files related by common metadata
    • collection: a group of related items
    • community: a group of collections or sub-communities
  • Samvera: community for developing open source frameworks and solutions for digital collections
    • Hyrax: digital repository engine based on the Samvera framework
    • fileset: a single file and it's technical metadata
    • work: group of files related by common metadata
    • work type: the metadata profile for a work
    • collection: a group of related works and/or collections
    • Allinson Flex: metadata modeling implementation
    • Bulkrax: import/export implementation
  • Agile development
    • sprint
    • standup
    • swarm
    • kanban
  • GitHub
    • issue
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