A lightweight library for doing give, take, has operations on any inventory datatype.
To add an item into an inventory:
But when if we add it to a specific slot 3? then:
inventory.setItem(3, itemStack);
What if there's already an item on the slot, and it can be stacked?
// ItemStack item;
ItemStack slotItem = inventory.getItem(3);
if (slotItem == null || slotItem.getType() == AIR) {
inventory.setItem(slot, item);
} else if (slotItem.isSimilar(item)) {
slotItem.setAmount(min(slotItem.getAmount() + item.getAmount(), slotItem.maxStackSize));
We need above code, and moreover what if we want to add an item on 2 or more slots? and what if the target inventory has expressed as another datatype like Map<Int, ItemStack>
, List<ItemStack>
normalized such requirements:
val iterator = new SubInventoryIterator(inventory, Arrays.asList(3, 4));
Inventories.giveItem(iterator, item);
If you use kotlin:
inventory.sub(3, 4).giveItem(item)
plugins {
id 'com.github.johnrengelman.shadow' version '8.1.1'
repositories {
dependencies {
compileOnly 'org.spigotmc:spigot-api:1.20.4-R0.1-SNAPSHOT'
implementation 'io.typst:bukkit-inventory:1.0.0'
// Use below instead for kotlin:
// implementation 'io.typecraft:bukkit-inventory-kotlin:1.0.0'