Original from https://github.com/juancrescente/SMSHub
Modified for my need, RO language, only one URL for PHP.
Added deviceSecret in POST request.
Olso added "keepScreenOn" as a workaround "not sending SMS if screen is off"
you can customize the next settings directly in the application
- Enable sending: whether the app should read from the API and send messages
- send URL: messages will be parsed from this URL, you return a JSON containing message, number and id
- interval: the app will check whether there is an incoming message for sending each specific interval in minutes
- device id: device id used in POST request
- device Secret: device Secret used in POST request
1- The application connects at regular intervals to a URL
POST https://yourcustomurl.com/send_api
deviceId: 1
deviceSecret: 1234
action: SEND
2- It should read a JSON containing message, number and id, or an empty response if there is nothing to send
[{ "message": "hola mundo!", "number": "3472664455", "messageId": "1" }]
Or Array of JSON
[{ "message": "hola mundo!", "number": "3472664455", "messageId": "1" },{ "message": "hola mundo!", "number": "3472664454", "messageId": "2" }]
3- The app will send the SMS message to number
4- Once sent (or failed) the app will notify the status to the status URL
POST https://yourcustomurl.com/send_api
deviceId: 1
deviceSecret: 1234
messageId: 1
status: SENT
action: STATUS
5- Once delivered the app will notify the status to the status URL
POST https://yourcustomurl.com/send_api
deviceId: 1
deviceSecret: 1234
messageId: 1
action: STATUS
Possible status values are: SENT, FAILED, DELIVERED (notice that it is unlikely but possible to get the DELIVERED update before the SENT update due to requests delay).
1- Each time a SMS is received the app will notify the received URL
POST https://yourcustomurl.com/send_api
deviceId: 1
deviceSecret: 1234
number: 3472556699
message: Hello man!
action: RECEIVED