Create reusable openlayers mapping application for use by Trage Wegen VZW.
We use nodejs/npm to install and manage dependenies:
We use the following pakages:
- React framework:
- Packaging:
- UI: of ??
- Sidebar:
- Kaart:
They are declared in the package.json
and can be installed wit npm.
For the location search we will the geopunt location service from the Flemish goverment
Git and nodejs need te be installed.
git clone
cd /tw-openlayers-viewer
npm install
To start the development server:
npm run start
The server will run on url: <>
To change the layers configuration:
In the folder src:
- For the vectorlayers: vectorLayers.js , see VectorLayer and Example
- For the basemaps: baseLayers.js , see XYZ , WMTS and XYZ , WMS
See Openlayers documentation about how to modify these parameters :
To make a production build and deploy:
The deploy to github you need to be a collaborator on this project.
npm run build
git commit --all -m "some commit message"
git push
You can put all the contents of the docs-folder on any webserver an it should work. There are no serverside dependencies for production.