tomboy-ng Release v0.20
Welcome to the tomboy-ng download page
Select your Package
- Linux users should use the Deb or RPM if they can, the gzip is just the binary, no help files etc.
- Windows - select one of the zip files, note I am no longer testing against 32bit Windows but believe its working...
- Mac Users - despite Apple's complaints and threats, the 32bit dmg will work fine. Try the 64bit one if you are feeling adventurous. First time users (of either) will need to control click and select "Open".
Please see the Installation Notes relating to Linux, Windows and the Mac at
Whats New ?
- If (and only if) you are a Linux users, we now have a Sync to Tomdroid on your Android phone solution. Please see
- Much nicer looking and better behaving Bullets. Active or cancel bullets with Alt-RightArrow and Alt-LeftArrow on all platforms.
- Links to other notes are now case insensitive, and a name, to be linked needs to be surrounded by "white-ish space". If you don't like this decision, please let me know and it can be made optional.
- A setting to hide the small splash screen at startup. Unless tomboy-ng encounters a bad note or you add the -g switch from the command line.
- Show 'headings' in a note, (similar to a Tomboy Plugin), Tools->Index and click to scroll to that heading.
- Manually configuring spell check is greatly improved.
- The ability to export a note in the Markdown wiki format. (Honestly, for my convenience but others may find it handy too).
- More appropriate keyboard shortcuts on the mac. Mostly driven from Command Key but see docs.
Just want the libhunspell.dll ? Then download the windows 64bit package and discard (sob!) the tomboy-ng binary. Please note I don't provide and don't have a 32bit hunspell library.
Know Issues
Please see