Tiny terrain component you can define your own height and color functions. You can also update your location and have the terrain redrawn as the player walks far enough.
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@tlaukkan/[email protected]/dist/terrain.js"></script>
window.TINY_TERRAIN.heightFunctions.set('hill-with-sine-wave', (x, y) => {
const d = Math.sqrt(x*x + y*y);
return 1 * Math.sin(Math.PI * (d * d) / 100) / (1 + d * d / 100) + 20 + 20 * ( -1 + 1 / (1 + d * d / 500));
window.TINY_TERRAIN.colorFunctions.set('linear', (y, colorPalette, paletteRangeMin, paletteRangeMax, paletteAccuracy, colorCache) => {
const i = ((y - paletteRangeMin)/(paletteRangeMax-paletteRangeMin)).toFixed(paletteAccuracy);
if (!colorCache.has(i)) {
colorCache.set(i, colorPalette(i));
return colorCache.get(i);
<a-tiny-terrain id="terrain" height-function="hill-with-sine-wave" radius-edge-count="200" edge-length = "1.5" color-function="linear" palette = "#4f654e, #606f4e, #818553, #9b9557, #bab269, #c4bc74" palette-accuracy="3" palette-range-min="0" palette-range-max="20" ></a-tiny-terrain>
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npm publish