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Documentation for Examples

Check out the examples to get started using Tinker Engine.

Developer setup

Build Tinker Engine

The easiest way to build Tinker Engine locally is by using poetry. These steps will create a vistual environment where Tinker Engine is built and installed and available for use.

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. In the tinker-engine directory, install the dependencies with poetry install.
  3. Activate the virtual environment using : poetry shell.
  4. Run Tinker Engine to ensure it works: tinker --help.

Running Tinker Engine

There is an example protocol definition in examples/helloworld/ You can use this with Tinker Engine as follows:

$ tinker -c examples/helloworld/helloworld.yaml examples/helloworld/

Since Tinker Engine only finds a single protocol defined in the entrypoints supplied to it, it will automatically instantiate and run the one it has found. But you can also list the ones it knows about, like this:

$ tinker -c examples/helloworld.yaml examples/ --list-protocols

Other examples

The examples directory contains several protocols and configurations that you can use to explore how Tinker Engine works.

Configuration Directives

The examples/config directory contains examples showing various configuration directives, using a protocol that simple prints out the configuration passed to it:

$ tinker -c examples/config/iterate.yaml examples/config/

demonstrates how the iterate directive works combinatorially, and

$ tinker -c examples/config/iterate_nested.yaml examples/config/

demonstrates the semantics of nesting one iterate directive within another.

When iteration is not needed, a "vanilla" configuration file will behave as expected:

$ tinker -c examples/config/vanilla.yaml examples/config/
SMQTK Directive

The examples/smqtk folder contains examples of a SMQTK implementation, SMQTK configuration files, and a protocol specifically for displaying SMQTK instantiations.

From the root directory, we can test the SMQTK support.

$ SMQTK_PLUGIN_PATH=examples.smqtk.hello_smqtk tinker  -c examples/smqtk/hello_smqtk.yaml examples/smqtk/

Command Line Documentation

usage: tinker [-h] -c CONFIG [--list-protocols] [--list-algorithms]
              [--log-file LOG_FILE] [--log-level LOG_LEVEL]
              protocol_file [protocol_file ...]

positional arguments:
  protocol_file         python file defining protocols/algorithms/etc.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        config file
  --list-protocols      Print the available protocols
  --list-algorithms     Print the available algorithms
  --log-file LOG_FILE   Path to log file
  --log-level LOG_LEVEL
                        Logging level

Generally, you will use the tinker utility by supplying a configuration file with the -c option and at least one protocol_file listed as positional arguments. Tinker Engine will read in the configuration file and use it to instantiate a Protocol object defined in one of the protocol_files listed.

The --log-file option sets a filename to use as the log file; by default it will be a file named by the running computer's hostname and the current time.

The --list-protcols and --list-algorithms options are diagnostics to show what has been detected by Tinker Engine. The options will, respectively, print out all the Protocol and Algorithm objects found by Tinker Engine. These are the objects available for use when Tinker Engine is run.

Publishing on PYPI

Tinker uses github actions to publish packages on pypi. The action is triggered when a semver tag is pushed to tinker.

We support the following version format <major>.<minor>.<patch> and <major>.<minor>.<patch>-alpha.<alpha-version> for tags. To publish a package on pypi, the tag must match with the version maintained in pyproject.toml. This is implemented as a mandatory check in the workflow. Poetry provides support for both querying and bumping version via cli. Please refer to version for more details.

Thus to publish tinker on pypi use the following commands

  1. Bump the version in pyproject.toml using poetry version <version_rule>.
  2. Use poetry version --short to determine the version that would be used in the tag.
  3. Generate and push the tag using
     git tag <package-version>
     git push origin --tags


This material is based upon work supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) under Contract No. HR001120C0055 and research sponsored by DARPA under agreement number FA8750-19-1-0504. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the DARPA. The U.S. Government is authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints for Governmental purposes notwithstanding any copyright notation thereon.


Getting started

This repository contains a development version of the tinker-engine package. To install it, make sure you are in your desired Python environment (e.g., by creating a virtual environment), enter the top level directory of this repository, and use pip:

pip install -e .

Once this is complete, you can execute protocols using Tinker Engine using the following command

tinker protocol_file

protocol_file is the location and name of a python protocol file. The project administrator should provide the protocol script to the researchers for their local development. The protocol_file can be either an absolute file path, or a path from the current working directory to the protocol file. Tinker Engine can be executed from any location, but it is recomended that it be run from the root of the algorithms directory.

If Tinker Engine needs to be run from somewhere other than the algorithms directory root, the path to the algorithms direcotry root should be provided using the -a argument

tinker protocol_file -a alogorithms_path

Tinker Engine can also be run with different harness interfaces. Use the -l flag to list the available interfaces. By default Tinker Engine uses the LocalInterface provided by Tinker Engine. An alternate can be selected using the -i <interface name> argument. User defined interfaces can also be used, but must derive from the Harness base class, and should be placed in the same folder with the protocol file. If everything is setup correctly, the -l flag will also print out the name of any user defined interfaces that are available.

Running Learn

First, install Tinker Engine (instructions above). Next, check out the Learn repository. Use the pip command to install the Learn package: if the tinker-engine and learn repositories are in side-by-side directories, and you are in the top-level directory of tinker-engine, then the appropriate command would be pip install -e ../learn.

Then you will need to download all of the datasets and follow instructions from: Make sure the lwll_datasets directory is in your current directory.

To run the learn protocol, invoke the tinker command as follows:

tinker ../learn/learn/protocol/ -a ../learn/learn/algorithms

System design

Tinker Engine has three parts. Tinker Engine itself is installed such that it can be executed from any desired location on the system. The second part is the protocol and optional interfaces. The protocol is written by the project team to meet the requirements of the entire project. This is a python script that exercises all parts of the system in the desired fashion. The project team may wish to also include simpler protocols that excercise just one algorithm at a time. This is useful for researchers when developing algorithms. Additionally, if the standard local interface test harness is not sufficient for the project needs, a substitute interface can be defined by the project team, as long as it inherits from the Harness class. The third part are the algorithms. The three parts of the system do not need to be in the same location. The only requirement for the algorithms is that they all reside under the same root folder, and any user defined interfaces must be in the same folder with the protocol file.

The basic design of the system is in support of a two tier system of users. The first tier are the project administrators. At this level, the experimental protocol is established and codified. To make this job easier, the final protocol code is written in python, and has very little restrictions to how it works. Tinker Engine itself mostly provides a support structure for the user written protocol file. The system diagram for this is:

Tinker Engine System Diagram

Under this framework, the start of execution begins in the, which locates, prepares and loads the protocol from the given protocol python file. It also loads the requested interface and supplies that to the protocol. The name of the file is provided by the end-user thorugh a command line argument, and the name of the class within the protocol file is unimportant (it will be loaded regardless of its name). Execution is then passed to the protocols run_protocol function. The user protocol should inherit from tinker.BaseProtocol. the BaseProtocol provides access to the get_algorithm function which will locate and dynamically load an algorithm on request. When the protocol needs to pass execution to a specific algorithm, it should call that algorithms "execute" function. One of the arguments to that function provides a step_description which indicates what mode of processing the algorrithm should perform. In order to facilitate this behavior, every algorithm class must derive from tinker.BaseAlgorithm directly, or from an adapter class that derives from BaseAlgorithm. Like the protocol files, the name of the class in an algorithm file is ignored, and the class is loaded regardless of its name.

When implementing an algorithm, a "requirements.txt" file must be provided so that we can figure out the algorithm's dependencies. An example dependencies file looks something like:


Acknowledgement of Support and Disclaimer

This material is based upon work supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) under Contract No. HR001120C0055. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the DARPA.

This material is based on research sponsored by DARPA under agreement number FA8750-19-1-0504. The U.S. Government is authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints for Governmental purposes notwithstanding any copyright notation thereon.


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