Instruction: Follow these step to access all the features of this website, we will be using laragon for this specific example.
- Copy everything and put it into /www folder of laragon
- Change your root db password to FinalProject, if you don't have a root db you may have to create one.
- hit Web button within laragon should now open up this webpage
- Open the PHP folder and click on SqlDatabase.php to populate the database with our specific table
- Goes back to index page or exist the webpage and hit Web button in laragon again to open up the index page
- Click on HTML should open up the website, if not hit on index.html within HTML folder
-Cookies should save user username and password but won't automatically enter them if you don't hit "Remember Me"
-It user hit "Remember Me" the website will show different message and title using jquery.
-The website will automatically log in for the user if they user turn off the website instead of logging out the next time the user hit sign in.