In this project, I build an ETL pipeline for a database hosted on Redshift. I load data from S3 to staging tables on Redshift and execute SQL statements that create the analytics tables from these staging tables. A simple source for ETL using AWS and python boto3 library (Project from Udacity)
Project is created with:
- python
- AWS service
- Install all requirement library in all files.
- Files:
- Run this file if you want to setup aws infrastructure automatically. It will create IAM user, role, Redshift, EC2 instance on AWS service. Before running Fill in required fields in dwh.cfg including: KEY, SECRET, DB_NAME, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_PORT. After running IAM Role and AWS Redshift instance will be successfully created. Copy Redshift endpoint and ARN role then paste into HOST field and ARN field.
- Run to create database and tables in Redshift
- Run to perform extract data and insert into tables in Redshift. It can take up to several minutes.
After successful executing and, it should create tables: songplays, times, users, songs, artists, staging_events, staging_songs.