- Nishant Pandey
- Suriya Suresh
This project implements a drone obstacle avoidance system using AirSim and the Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) algorithm. The goal is to train a drone to navigate through an environment while avoiding obstacles in real-time.
- stable-baselines3 v1.7.0 (pip install stable-baselines3[extra]==1.7.0)
- airsim v1.8.1
- gym 0.21.0
- Packages as required by the airsim package. A requirements.txt has been attached in case of versions mismatches or the conda env fails to be imported.
- Utilizes the AirSim simulator for realistic drone flight dynamics and sensor data.
- Implements the DDPG algorithm for training the drone to avoid obstacles.
- Provides a user-friendly interface for visualizing the obstacle avoidance behavior.
There are three folders, lidar, depth , lidar+depth which have train.py, eval.py and drone_env.py. The instructions to run all have been documented below. Other folders and files are :
- readme.md
- env.yml
- requirements.txt
- setting.json
Unzip the folder if you have not done so
Install the required packages from the env.yml file using conda
conda env create -f env.yml
Download and setup the AirSim simulator by following the instructions in the AirSim documentation. For this project we used the biniaries provided by airsim under releases , V1.8.1 , AirsimNH.zip.Extract the zip and run the airsimnh.exe for the simulator to work. Also paste the provided config file under Documents/Airsim/settings.json
Launch the AirSim simulator.
Navigate to Lidar/Lidar+depth folder, run the main script to start the drone obstacle avoidance system:
python train.py
The drone will start training. Once training is over, it will be saved under /models of the root dir. Logs are saved under /tmp of the root dir which can be viewed using
tensorboard --logdir=/tmp/name_of_folder
Launch the AirSim simulator.
Modify the model_path in the eval.py file to the path of your model. Run the main script to start the drone obstacle avoidance system:
python eval.py
Evaluation starts and you can see the output in the airsim window. After evaluation is done, we can see the metrics which show up in a matplotlib window and also is saved in the root directory.
The results qualitative and qunatitative can be seen in the report.pdf uploaded in the root of this repo.
This shows the results of Lidar-Only implmenation. It can be seen that that the drone in many episodes narrowly escapes the thin wooden pole and tree.
This shows the results of Lidar+Depth Camera Implementation. This shows showcases many instances when the drone actively tries to change its path to avoid obstacles.
- If the code does not connect to the simulator, please change the port in settings.json under ApiServerPort as well as on the code , in the files drone_env_ddpg.py and ddpg_lidar.py in line number 19 for both eval and the normal files.
AirSim - Open-source simulator for drones and cars developed by Microsoft.
DDPG - Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient algorithm for continuous control tasks.
UAV_Navigation_DRL_AirSim for opensourcing his code as it helped us understand a lot and we have used parts of his code in our codebase.
DDPG-AirSim-Drone-Obstacle-Avoidance for helping us understand DDPG and how to control a drone in airsim using RL.