This release also has a Debian release, but i have no idea if it works, so please report at #185
- Admin extensions page didn't refresh after install/update
- Revert SquaresDark broken background due to #249
- Solve Login hideSubmitButton issue
- PluginManager broken hash #251
- Shortcut conflicts #252
- Can't save contact (mysql) config #253
- Fix garbage collector Cache->GC(0)
- Strip utm_ tracking failed
- MessageView decorate *Command functions failed
- Visual filter rule editor refuses to save empty ruleset #258
- Renamed closeCommand() to close() because it has no command feature anymore
- Use opacity on disabled/readonly form field
- Only set DevEmail/DevPassword when version is 0.0.0
- Removed unused PHP, CSS, JavaScript
- Better cleanHtml() handling of table width and content