Material produzido durante o curso: 100 Days of Code: The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp
Data: Feb/2024
Pedro Terra da Silva Motta
- Dia 1: "Working with Variables in Python to Manage Data"
- Dia 2: "Understanding Data Types and How to Manipulate Strings"
- Dia 3: "Control Flow and Logical Operators"
- Dia 4: "Randomisation and Python Lists"
- Dia 5: "Python Loops"
- Dia 6: "Python Functions & Karel"
- Dia 7: "Hangman"
- Dia 8: "Function Parameters & Caesar Cipher"
- Dia 9: "Dictionaries, Nesting and the Secret Auction"
- Dia 10: "Functions with Outputs"
- Dia 11: "BlackJack"
- Dia 12: "Number Guessing Game"
- Dia 13: "Debugging"
- Dia 14: "Higher Lower Project"
- Day 15: "Local Development Environment Setup & the Coffee Machine"