By Nithin Chalapathi Youjia Zhou, and Bei Wang.
The mapper construction is a widely used tool from topological data analysis in obtaining topological summaries of large, high-dimensional point cloud data. It has enjoyed great success in data science, including cancer research, sports analytics, and visualization. However, developing practical and automatic parameter selection for the mapper construction remains a challenging open problem for both the topological analysis and visualization communities. In this paper, we focus on parameter selection for the 1-dimensional skeleton of the mapper construction, called the mapper graph. Specifically, we explore how information criteria used in the X-means clustering algorithm can inform and generate adaptive covers for mapper graphs. Our approach thus makes novel progress towards automatic parameter selection for the mapper construction using information theory.
This repository contains all of the code for the above paper. It also contains an implementation of the enhanced mapper graph by Brown, Bobrowski, Munch and Wang.
The recommended installation is via pip which handles dependencies for you. The package is currently not published and must be installed locally:
$ git clone
$ cd mapper-xmean-cover
$ pip install .
If you would like to edit the repository locally, please use pip install -e .
to see the changes reflected in your pip installation. The instructions are no different when using conda.
The main method to run the xmean adaptive cover is xmeans_adaptive_cover()
. It returns a cover object which can be passed to generate_mapper_graph()
. Here is an example:
from mapper_xmean_cover import Cover, generate_mapper_graph, xmeans_adaptive_cover
from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN
X # np array of the point cloud (n pts x d dimensions)
lens # np array containing the lens (n pts)
# First, generate an initalization cover
initial_cover = Cover(num_intervals=5, percent_overlap=0.2)
# Now run xmean adaptive cover
adaptive_cover = xmeans_adaptive_cover(X, lens=lens,
clusterer=DBSCAN(eps=2), # Sklearn Cluster obj
iterations=100, # Maximum num of iterations
max_intervals=100, # Max num of intervals
BIC=True, # False uses AIC
# Percentage change to determine convergence
# One of BFS, DFS, or Randomized
final_graph = generate_mapper_graph(X, lens, cover=adaptive_cover, clusterer=DBSCAN(eps=2),
refit_cover=False) # VERY IMPORTANT - See note
Here are some important notes:
passed togenerate_mapper_graph
MUST be set to False. Otherwise, the cover will be converted to a normal uniform cover.- The default parameters are set as:
For installation troubles and bugs, please open a github issue.
For feedback or more in-depth discussions, please email one of the authors.