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Support Git in x-opam-monorepo-opam-repositories #317

merged 10 commits into from
Jul 5, 2022
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,9 @@

### Added

- Add support for specifying remote URLs in `x-opam-monorepo-repositories`
(#284, #317, @Leonidas-from-XIV)

### Changed

### Deprecated
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113 changes: 91 additions & 22 deletions cli/
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Expand Up @@ -222,20 +222,75 @@ let interpret_solver_error ~repositories solver = function
let verbose = display_verbose_diagnostics (Logs.level ()) in
Opam_solve.diagnostics_message ~verbose solver d

let dirname_of_fpath fpath =
fpath |> Fpath.to_string |> OpamFilename.Dir.of_string

let fetch_git_url ~cache_dir dir url =
let open OpamProcess.Job.Op in
let cache_dir = dirname_of_fpath cache_dir in
let dir = dirname_of_fpath dir in
OpamGit.B.pull_url ~cache_dir dir None url @@+ function
| Not_available (_always_none, url_string) ->
(Format.asprintf "Could not fetch URL at %s" url_string))
| Result _always_none | Up_to_date _always_none -> (
OpamGit.B.revision dir @@| function
| None -> Rresult.R.error_msg "Could not determine revision of repo"
| Some version -> Ok version)

let git_permanent_url (url : OpamUrl.t) version =
{ url with hash = Some (OpamPackage.Version.to_string version) }

(** Turns each repository URL into a path to the repository's sources,
eventually fetching them from the remote. *)
let make_repository_locally_available url =
let open OpamProcess.Job.Op in
match OpamUrl.local_dir url with
| Some path when Opam.Url.is_local_filesystem url ->
Ok (OpamFilename.Dir.to_string OpamFilename.Op.(path / "packages"))
| _ ->
(* TODO before release *)
"Only non git, local filesystem URLs (file://) are supported at the \
let packages =
OpamFilename.Dir.to_string OpamFilename.Op.(path / "packages")
Done (Ok (packages, url))
| _ -> (
let tmp_dir = Fpath.(Bos.OS.Dir.default_tmp () / "opam-monorepo") in
(* the URL might contain all kind of invalid characters like slashes -> hash *)
let repo_dir =
url |> OpamUrl.to_string |> Digest.string |> Digest.to_hex
let dir = Fpath.(tmp_dir / "repos" / repo_dir) in
let cache_dir = Fpath.(tmp_dir / "cache") in
let url_result =
match url.backend with
| `http when String.equal url.path "" ->
(* replace OPAM repo with git url *)
OpamUrl.parse ~backend:`git
|> Result.ok
| `git -> Ok url
| `http | `rsync | #OpamUrl.version_control ->
"Only git and local file systems (file://) are supported at the \
moment, got %a"
Opam.Pp.url url
match url_result with
| Error _ as e -> Done e
| Ok url -> (
match ~f:Bos.OS.Dir.create [ cache_dir; dir ] with
| Error (`Msg msg) -> Done (Rresult.R.error_msg msg)
| Ok _ -> (
fetch_git_url ~cache_dir dir url @@| function
| Error (`Msg msg) -> Rresult.R.error_msg msg
| Ok version ->
let url = git_permanent_url url version in
let packages = Fpath.(dir / "packages" |> to_string) in
Ok (packages, url))))

let make_repositories_locally_available repositories = ~f:make_repository_locally_available repositories
|> OpamProcess.Job.seq_map make_repository_locally_available
|> |> Result.List.all

let opam_env_from_global_state global_state =
let vars = global_state.OpamStateTypes.global_variables in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -269,29 +324,43 @@ let calculate_opam ~source_config ~build_only ~allow_jbuilder
l "Solve using explicit repositories:\n%a"
Fmt.(list ~sep:(const char '\n') Opam.Pp.url)
let* local_repo_dirs =
make_repositories_locally_available repositories
let* local_repos = make_repositories_locally_available repositories in
let local_repo_dirs, source_config =
let local_repo_dirs, repo_urls = List.unzip local_repos in
let repositories =
repo_urls |> OpamUrl.Set.of_list |> Option.some
let source_config = { source_config with repositories } in
(local_repo_dirs, source_config)
let opam_env = extract_opam_env ~source_config global_state in
let solver = Opam_solve.explicit_repos_solver in
Opam_solve.calculate ~build_only ~allow_jbuilder
~require_cross_compile ~preferred_versions ~local_opam_files
~target_packages ~opam_provided ~pin_depends ?ocaml_version solver
(opam_env, local_repo_dirs)
|> Result.map_error ~f:(interpret_solver_error ~repositories solver)
let dependency_entries =
Opam_solve.calculate ~build_only ~allow_jbuilder
~require_cross_compile ~preferred_versions ~local_opam_files
~target_packages ~opam_provided ~pin_depends ?ocaml_version solver
(opam_env, local_repo_dirs)
|> Result.map_error ~f:(interpret_solver_error ~repositories solver)
let* dependency_entries = dependency_entries in
Ok (dependency_entries, source_config)
| { repositories = None; _ } ->
OpamSwitchState.with_ `Lock_none global_state (fun switch_state -> (fun l ->
l "Solve using current opam switch: %s"
(OpamSwitch.to_string switch_state.switch));
let solver = Opam_solve.local_opam_config_solver in
Opam_solve.calculate ~build_only ~allow_jbuilder
~require_cross_compile ~preferred_versions ~local_opam_files
~target_packages ~opam_provided ~pin_depends ?ocaml_version
solver switch_state
|> Result.map_error ~f:(fun err ->
let repositories = current_repos ~switch_state in
interpret_solver_error ~repositories solver err)))
let dependency_entries =
Opam_solve.calculate ~build_only ~allow_jbuilder
~require_cross_compile ~preferred_versions ~local_opam_files
~target_packages ~opam_provided ~pin_depends ?ocaml_version
solver switch_state
|> Result.map_error ~f:(fun err ->
let repositories = current_repos ~switch_state in
interpret_solver_error ~repositories solver err)
let* dependency_entries = dependency_entries in
Ok (dependency_entries, source_config)))

let select_explicitly_specified ~local_packages ~explicitly_specified =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -463,7 +532,7 @@ let run (`Root root) (`Recurse_opam recurse) (`Build_only build_only)
let* preferred_versions =
preferred_versions ~minimal_update ~root lockfile_path
let* dependency_entries =
let* dependency_entries, source_config =
calculate_opam ~source_config ~build_only ~allow_jbuilder
~require_cross_compile ~preferred_versions ~ocaml_version
~local_opam_files:opam_files ~target_packages
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15 changes: 11 additions & 4 deletions lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -56,11 +56,8 @@ let has_cross_compile_tag opam =
let tags = OpamFile.OPAM.tags opam in
List.mem ~set:tags "cross-compile"

let pull_tree ~url ~hashes ~dir global_state =
let pull_tree_with_cache' ~cache_dir ~url ~hashes ~dir =
let dir_str = Fpath.to_string dir in
let cache_dir =
OpamRepositoryPath.download_cache global_state.OpamStateTypes.root
let label = dir_str in
(* Opam requires a label for the pull, it's only used for logging *)
let opam_dir = OpamFilename.Dir.of_string dir_str in
Expand All @@ -70,6 +67,16 @@ let pull_tree ~url ~hashes ~dir global_state =
| Not_available (_, long_msg) ->
Error (`Msg (Printf.sprintf "Failed to pull %s: %s" label long_msg))

let pull_tree ~url ~hashes ~dir global_state =
let cache_dir =
OpamRepositoryPath.download_cache global_state.OpamStateTypes.root
pull_tree_with_cache' ~cache_dir ~url ~hashes ~dir

let pull_tree_with_cache ~cache_dir =
let cache_dir = cache_dir |> Fpath.to_string |> OpamFilename.Dir.of_string in
pull_tree_with_cache' ~cache_dir

module Url = struct
type t = Git of { repo : string; ref : string option } | Other of string

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10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions lib/opam.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -170,6 +170,16 @@ val pull_tree :
if sucessful and an error otherwise.
This benefits from opam's global cache.*)

val pull_tree_with_cache :
cache_dir:Fpath.t ->
url:OpamUrl.t ->
hashes:OpamHash.t list ->
dir:Fpath.t ->
(unit, [> `Msg of string ]) result OpamProcess.job
(** Pulls the sources from [url] to [dir] using opam's library. Returns the target directory path
if sucessful and an error otherwise.
Uses a dedicated path for caching. *)

val local_package_version :
OpamFile.OPAM.t ->
explicit_version:OpamTypes.version option ->
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6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions stdext/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -59,3 +59,9 @@ let compare ~compare l l' =
| [], [] -> 0
aux l l'

let unzip l =
let xs, ys =
fold_left ~f:(fun (xs, ys) (x, y) -> (x :: xs, y :: ys)) ~init:([], []) l
(rev xs, rev ys)
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions stdext/list.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,3 +14,4 @@ val max_exn : compare:('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a list -> 'a
Raises Invalig_argument on empty lists *)

val compare : compare:('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a list -> 'a list -> int
val unzip : ('a * 'b) list -> 'a list * 'b list
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions test/bin/explicit-repo.t/explicit-repo.opam
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
opam-version: "2.0"
depends: [
x-opam-monorepo-opam-repositories: [
78 changes: 78 additions & 0 deletions test/bin/explicit-repo.t/run.t
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
We want to specify an opam-repository that is a git URL. For reproducibility we
want the locked repository URL to be fixed to the commit that we have used when

We have a project that depends on a package "git-dep".

$ opam show --just-file --raw -fdepends ./explicit-repo.opam
dune, git-dep

We start with a minimal `opam-repository`, but the package "git-dep" is not in
the minimal repository created locally:

$ gen-minimal-repo
$ ls minimal-repo/packages | grep git-dep

"git-dep" is in a repository that is accessible via git, create this repository:

$ mkdir -p git-repository/packages/git-dep/git-dep.1.0
$ cat >git-repository/packages/git-dep/git-dep.1.0/opam <<EOF
> opam-version: "2.0"
> depends: [
> "dune"
> ]
$ cat >git-repository/repo <<EOF
> opam-version: "2.0"
$ (cd git-repository ; git init ; git add -A ; git commit -m "initial commit") > /dev/null 2>&1
$ SHORT_HASH1=$(git -C git-repository rev-parse --short HEAD)

To find this package, we need to have the git repository in our
`x-opam-monorepo-opam-repositories` list:

$ opam show --just-file --raw -fx-opam-monorepo-opam-repositories ./explicit-repo.opam
file://$OPAM_MONOREPO_CWD/minimal-repo, git+file://$OPAM_MONOREPO_CWD/git-repository

Having it in there should make opam-monorepo able to find the package and lock
successfully and picked up the package:

$ opam-monorepo lock explicit-repo > /dev/null
$ opam show --just-file --raw -fdepends ./explicit-repo.opam.locked | grep git-dep
"git-dep" {= "1.0"}

To make the build reproducible, opam-monorepo should have replaced the URL to
the git repo by an URL to the git repo that features the commit hash of the
repository at the time of locking, so users of the lock file will check out the
git repository in the same state as the creator of the lock file.

Therefore the list of repositories in the lockfile should have the a git repo
that's the same as the previous git-repository path but end with "#$SHORT_HASH"

$ opam show --just-file --raw -fx-opam-monorepo-opam-repositories ./explicit-repo.opam.locked > locked-repos
$ grep -Po ".+(?=$SHORT_HASH1)" locked-repos

We also need to make sure that the git cache gets updated when the repository is updated:

$ mkdir -p git-repository/packages/git-dep/git-dep.2.0
$ cat >git-repository/packages/git-dep/git-dep.2.0/opam <<EOF
> opam-version: "2.0"
> depends: [
> "dune"
> ]
> (cd git-repository ; git add -A ; git commit -m "New release") > /dev/null 2>&1
$ SHORT_HASH2=$(git -C git-repository rev-parse --short HEAD)

Thus a new version of the package has been released in the git repo. Locking it
anew should pick this version of the dependency as well as the recording the
new version of the git opam repository.

$ opam-monorepo lock explicit-repo > /dev/null
$ opam show --just-file --raw -fdepends ./explicit-repo.opam.locked | grep git-dep
"git-dep" {= "2.0"}
Leonidas-from-XIV marked this conversation as resolved.
Show resolved Hide resolved
$ opam show --just-file --raw -fx-opam-monorepo-opam-repositories ./explicit-repo.opam.locked > locked-repos
$ grep -Po ".+(?=$SHORT_HASH2)" locked-repos