StyleStats works on Node.js >=6.x
$ npm install -g stylestats
$ stylestats path/to/stylesheet.css
│ Published │ June 14, 2017 10:35 AM │
│ Paths │ path/to/stylesheet.css │
│ Style Sheets │ 1 │
│ Style Elements │ 0 │
│ Size │ 240.0B │
│ Data URI Size │ 0 │
│ Ratio of Data URI Size │ 0 │
│ Gzipped Size │ 158.0B │
│ Rules │ 7 │
│ Selectors │ 12 │
│ Simplicity │ 58.3% │
│ Average of Identifier │ 1.250 │
│ Most Identifier │ 3 │
│ Most Identifier Selector │ .foo .bar .baz │
│ Average of Cohesion │ 1.429 │
│ Lowest Cohesion │ 2 │
│ Lowest Cohesion Selector │ .foo │
│ Total Unique Font Sizes │ 2 │
│ Unique Font Sizes │ 12px │
│ │ 16px │
│ Total Unique Font Families │ 0 │
│ Unique Font Families │ N/A │
│ Total Unique Colors │ 3 │
│ Unique Colors │ #333333 │
│ │ #CCCCCC │
│ │ RED │
│ Total Unique Background Images │ 0 │
│ Unique Background Images │ N/A │
│ ID Selectors │ 1 │
│ Universal Selectors │ 1 │
│ Unqualified Attribute Selectors │ 1 │
│ JavaScript Specific Selectors │ 0 │
│ Important Keywords │ 1 │
│ Float Properties │ 1 │
│ Properties Count │ color: 4 │
│ │ font-size: 3 │
│ │ margin: 2 │
│ │ float: 1 │
│ Media Queries │ 0 │
Specified css file will be analyzed.
# Providing multiple input is also supported.
$ stylestats foo.css bar.css baz.css
CSS files in specified directory will be analyzed.
$ stylestats path/to/dir
Glob input is supported (quotes are required).
$ stylestats 'path/**/*.css'
You can specify a remote CSS file.
$ stylestats
If you specify an HTML page, StyleStats will analyze stylesheets and style
$ stylestats
option outputs JSON and CSV.
$ stylestats foo.css -f <json|csv>
If you have gist installed, you can upload StyleStats data to GitHub Gist with a one-liner command.
$ stylestats > stats.txt && gist stats.txt
The Simplicity is measured as Rules divided by Selectors.
The Average of Identifier is measured as Total Identifiers divided by Selectors.
The Average of Cohesion is measured as Total declarations divided by Rules.
The Lowest Cohesion metric is the number of selector declarations.
See also:
The Unqualified Attribute Selectors metrics is the number of unqualified attribute selectors.
The following patterns will be counted:
[type=text] {
color: red;
.selected [type=text] {
color: red;
The following patterns are considered to be okay and will not be counted:
/* unqualified attribute selector is not key */
.selected [type=text] a {
color: red;
See also:
The JavaScript Specific Selectors metrics is the number of JavaScript-specific selectors, such as js-*
. The selectors are only for JavaScript hooks; you should not to hang any presentation off them.
See also:
The User Specified Selectors metrics is the number of user-specified selectors. Default is false
. For instance, you can count the number of components if you specify "\\.component\\-"
using reqular expression in .stylestatsrc
The Properties Count is the number of property declarations. The default is to display the top 10
You can configure StyleStats.
$ stylestats -c path/to/.stylestatsrc
const StyleStats = require('stylestats');
const stats = new StyleStats('path/to/stylesheet.css', 'path/to/.stylestatsrc');
Default configuration is here.
Here is an example JSON to disable display gzipped size:
"gzippedSize": false
$ stylestats --help
Usage: stylestats [options] <file ...>
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-c, --config <path> set configurations
-f, --format <format> set the output format <json|csv>
-p, --prettify prettify raw data
-n, --number show only numeral metrics
-m, --mobile set the mobile user agent
$ stylestats path/to/stylesheet.css -c .stylestatsrc
│ Style Sheets │ 1 │
│ Size │ 19.0KB │
│ Gzipped Size │ 3.7KB │
│ Total Unique Font Families │ 3 │
Stylesheet's file path or its array.config
Configuration JSON file path or object.
Config list is show to default.json
const StyleStats = require('stylestats');
const stats = new StyleStats('path/to/stylesheet.css');
.then((result) => console.log(JSON.stringify(result, null, 2)))
.catch((err) => console.log(error));
Result StyleStats parsed.
.then((result) => stats.prettify(result));
CSS example:
* { float: left; }
body { color: #333; }
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { margin: 0; }
a[src] { color: red !important; }
.foo { color: #ccc; font-size: 12px; }
.foo .bar .baz { color: #ccc; font-size: 12px; }
#bar { margin: 10px; font-size: 16px; }
Statistics tree of above css:
"published": "2017-06-14T10:24:30.124Z",
"paths": [ "test/fixture/example.css" ],
"stylesheets": 1,
"styleElements": 0,
"size": 240,
"dataUriSize": 0,
"ratioOfDataUriSize": 0,
"gzippedSize": 158,
"rules": 7,
"selectors": 12,
"simplicity": 0.5833333333333334,
"averageOfIdentifier": 1.25,
"mostIdentifier": 3,
"mostIdentifierSelector": ".foo .bar .baz",
"averageOfCohesion": 1.4285714285714286,
"lowestCohesion": 2,
"lowestCohesionSelector": [ ".foo" ],
"totalUniqueFontSizes": 2,
"uniqueFontSizes": [ "12px", "16px" ],
"totalUniqueFontFamilies": 0,
"uniqueFontFamilies": [],
"totalUniqueColors": 3,
"uniqueColors": [ "#333333", "#CCCCCC", "RED" ],
"totalUniqueBackgroundImages": 0,
"uniqueBackgroundImages": [],
"idSelectors": 1,
"universalSelectors": 1,
"unqualifiedAttributeSelectors": 1,
"javascriptSpecificSelectors": 0,
"importantKeywords": 1,
"floatProperties": 1,
"propertiesCount": [
{ "property": "color", "count": 4 },
{ "property": "font-size", "count": 3 },
{ "property": "margin", "count": 2 },
{ "property": "float", "count": 1 }
"mediaQueries": 0