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Issue #386 [Enhancement][WIP] Dependencies for configurators and more…
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t2ym committed Sep 2, 2020
1 parent 9adb2df commit 44f568e
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Showing 13 changed files with 3,758 additions and 267 deletions.
23 changes: 22 additions & 1 deletion demo-config/config.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -50,7 +50,26 @@ const task = function (pluginName) {
if ( !== pluginName) {
throw new Error(`targetConfig.task("${pluginName}"): === ${} does not match`);
return gulp.task(pluginName, plugin.configurator(targetConfig));
return gulp.task(pluginName,
(done) => {
if (Array.isArray(plugin.dependencies)) {
plugin.dependencies.forEach(dependency => {
if(!(targetConfig[dependency] && targetConfig[dependency].done)) {
throw new Error(`plugin task "${pluginName}": dependent task "${dependency}" has not completed`);
(done) => {
targetConfig[pluginName] = targetConfig[pluginName] || {};
targetConfig[pluginName].done = true;

const targetConfig = {
Expand All @@ -62,6 +81,8 @@ const targetConfig = {
backend: 'demo-backend',
frontend: 'demo-frontend',
keys: 'demo-keys',
encodedIndexHtml: 'index.html',
decodedIndexHtml: 'original-index.html',
hook: hookPath,
plugins: plugins,
Expand Down
283 changes: 17 additions & 266 deletions gulpfile.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -195,20 +195,7 @@ gulp.task('clean-gzip', () => {
return del(['demo/cache-bundle.json.gz', 'demo/integrity.json.gz'], { base: 'demo' });

let version = 'version_1';
gulp.task('get-version', (done) => {
return gulp.src(['demo/original-index.html'], { base: 'demo' })
.pipe(through.obj((file, enc, callback) => {
let html = String(file.contents);
let versionIndex = html.indexOf('/hook.min.js?version=') + '/hook.min.js?version='.length;
let versionIndexEnd = html.indexOf('&', versionIndex);
version = 'version_' + html.substring(versionIndex, versionIndexEnd);
callback(null, file);
.pipe(through.obj((file, enc, callback) => {

Expand All @@ -223,99 +210,9 @@ gulp.task('demo-certificates',

// key pair for mitm detection, not for HTTPS
const demoKeysFolder = 'demo-keys';
const keysJSONName = 'keys.json';
const keysJSONPath = path.join('.', demoKeysFolder, keysJSONName);

const SHA256 = {};
SHA256.hashBits = 256;
SHA256.hashBytes = SHA256.hashBits / 8;
SHA256.hashName = 'sha' + SHA256.hashBits;

const RSA = {};
RSA.keyBits = 2048; // at least 2048 to encrypt keys of 2 * 256 bits (= 64 bytes) in RSA-OAEP
RSA.keyBytes = RSA.keyBits / 8;
RSA.keyPairE = 0x10001;
RSA.privateKeyName = 'rsa-private-key.pem';
RSA.publicKeyName = 'rsa-public-key.pem';

const ECDSA = {};
ECDSA.privateKeyName = 'ecdsa-private-key.pem';
ECDSA.publicKeyName = 'ecdsa-public-key.pem';

const AES_GCM = {};
AES_GCM.keyLength = 32; // bytes
AES_GCM.ivLength = 12; // bytes
AES_GCM.tagLength = 16; // 128 bits
AES_GCM.sessionIdKeyName = 'session-id-aes-key';
AES_GCM.sessionIdIvName = 'session-id-aes-iv';

const scriptsHashHexName = 'scriptsHashHex';
const htmlHashHexName = 'htmlHashHex';

gulp.task('demo-keys', (done) => {
// generate RSA key pair
let keypair = forge.pki.rsa.generateKeyPair({ bits: RSA.keyBits, e: RSA.keyPairE });
let rsaPrivateKeyPEM = forge.pki.privateKeyToPem(keypair.privateKey).replace(/\r/g, '');
let rsaPublicKeyPEM = forge.pki.publicKeyToPem(keypair.publicKey).replace(/\r/g, '');

// generate ECDSA key pair
let ecdsaKeyPair = crypto.generateKeyPairSync('ec',
namedCurve: 'P-256',
publicKeyEncoding: {
type: 'spki',
format: 'pem'
privateKeyEncoding: {
type: 'pkcs8',
format: 'pem'

// generate session ID key and iv
let sessionIdAesKeyBase64 = crypto.randomFillSync(Buffer.alloc(AES_GCM.keyLength)).toString('base64');
let sessionIdAesIvBase64 = crypto.randomFillSync(Buffer.alloc(AES_GCM.ivLength)).toString('base64');

try {
catch (e) {

let keys = {
version: version,
[RSA.privateKeyName]: rsaPrivateKeyPEM,
[RSA.publicKeyName]: rsaPublicKeyPEM,
[ECDSA.privateKeyName]: ecdsaKeyPair.privateKey,
[ECDSA.publicKeyName]: ecdsaKeyPair.publicKey,
[AES_GCM.sessionIdKeyName]: sessionIdAesKeyBase64,
[AES_GCM.sessionIdIvName]: sessionIdAesIvBase64,
let keysJSON = JSON.stringify(keys, null, 2) + '\n';

fs.writeFileSync(keysJSONPath, keysJSON, 'utf-8');

gulp.task('update-integrity-js', () => {
return gulp.src(['demo/integrity.js'], { base: 'demo' })
.pipe(through.obj((file, enc, callback) => {
let script = String(file.contents);
let keys = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(keysJSONPath, 'utf-8'));
let rsaPublicKeyPEM = keys[RSA.publicKeyName];
let rsaPublicKeyBase64 = rsaPublicKeyPEM.replace('-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----', '').replace('-----END PUBLIC KEY-----', '').replace(/[ \r\n\t]/g, '');
let ecdsaPublicKeyPEM = keys[ECDSA.publicKeyName];
let ecdsaPublicKeyBase64 = ecdsaPublicKeyPEM.replace('-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----', '').replace('-----END PUBLIC KEY-----', '').replace(/[ \r\n\t]/g, '');
script = script.replace(/RSA\.publicKeyBase64 = '([^']*)'/, 'RSA.publicKeyBase64 = \'' + rsaPublicKeyBase64 + '\'');
script = script.replace(/ECDSA\.publicKeyBase64 = '([^']*)'/, 'ECDSA.publicKeyBase64 = \'' + ecdsaPublicKeyBase64 + '\'');
file.contents = new Buffer(script);
callback(null, file);

// generate demo/integrity.json for static contents
// Note: toWebPath() and gulp.src() have to be customized for the target application.
Expand All @@ -327,7 +224,7 @@ gulp.task('integrity-json', () => {
let files = [];
let cwd;
let base;
let integrity = { version: version };
let integrity = { version: targetConfig['get-version'].version };
// toWebPath() must be customized for the target application
let toWebPath = function (fullpath) { // convert full file path to URL path for the target application
// for components via polyserve
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -403,165 +300,17 @@ targetConfig.task('policy');


// server secret for cache-automation.js
const serverSecret = crypto.randomFillSync(Buffer.alloc(32)).toString('hex');
const cacheBundlePath = path.join('demo', 'cache-bundle.json');
const cacheAutomationScriptPath = path.join('demo', 'cache-automation.js');
const cacheAutomationScript = fs.readFileSync(cacheAutomationScriptPath, 'UTF-8');
const integrityJSONPath = path.join('demo', 'integrity.json');
let authorization; // sha256(serverSecret + cacheAutomationScript)
let hash = hook.utils.createHash('sha256');
hash.update(serverSecret + cacheAutomationScript);
authorization = hash.digest('hex');

gulp.task('cache-bundle-automation-json', (done) => {
fs.writeFileSync(cacheBundlePath, JSON.stringify({
"version": version,
"https://thin-hook.localhost.localdomain/automation.json": JSON.stringify({
"state": "init", // update state in the script to perform operations including reloading
"serverSecret": serverSecret,
"script": cacheAutomationScript

// generate a dummy demo/integrity.json for cache-bundle generation
gulp.task('dummy-integrity', (done) => {
fs.writeFileSync(integrityJSONPath, JSON.stringify({
"version": version,
"https://thin-hook.localhost.localdomain/automation.json": JSON.stringify({
"state": "init", // update state in the script to perform operations including reloading
"serverSecret": serverSecret,
"script": cacheAutomationScript


gulp.task('cache-bundle-automation', shell.task('npm run cache-bundle'));

const SCRIPT_HASHES_PSEUDO_URL = 'https://thin-hook.localhost.localdomain/script-hashes.json';
gulp.task('script-hashes', () => {
return gulp.src(['demo/cache-bundle.json'], { base: 'demo' })
.pipe(through.obj((file, enc, callback) => {
let cacheBundle = JSON.parse(String(file.contents));
let hashes = {};
Note: Metadata format
cacheBundle = {
"version": "version_123", // cache version
"url?param=1": "body in string", // concise format for string data for .js, .html, .json, .svg; equivalent to { "body": "body in string", "Content-Type": "{type}" }
"url?param=2": {
"Location": "url?param=1", // link to the other content
"Location": "data:image/jpeg;base64,...", // encoded body data; Note: "Location" appears only once in a metadata object, of course
// If Non-dataURI "Location" exists, other metadata entries are ignored
"Content-Type": "text/xml", // MIME type
"body": "body in string", // content body
"Other-Headers": "header value", // HTTP headers
for (let key in cacheBundle) {
let content = cacheBundle[key];
let url = new URL(key, 'https://localhost/');
if (key === 'version') {
if (typeof content === 'object') {
if (typeof content['Content-Type'] === 'string' && content['Content-Type'].startsWith('text/html') && typeof content.body === 'string') {
if (typeof content.body !== 'string') {
content = content.body;
else {
let pathname = (url.protocol === 'https:' || url.protocol === 'http:') ? url.pathname : '';
if (pathname && pathname.match(/([.]html?|[/])$/)) {
let inScript = false;
let inlineScript;
let stream = new hook.utils.HTMLParser.WritableStream({
onopentag(name, attributes) {
if (name === 'script') {
inScript = true;
inlineScript = '';
for (let attr in attributes) {
let attrValue = attributes[attr];
if (attrValue) {
let match = attrValue.match(/^\/\* ctx:(["'])([a-zA-Z0-9+/=]*)["'] raw:["']([a-zA-Z0-9+/=]*)["'] \*\/((.*\n?)*)$/);
if (match) {
const hash = hook.utils.createHash('sha256');
let digest = hash.digest('hex');
hashes[digest] = decodeURIComponent(new Buffer(match[2], 'base64').toString('binary'));
ontext(text) {
if (inScript) {
inlineScript += text;
onclosetag(name) {
if (name === 'script' && inScript) {
if (inlineScript) {
let match = inlineScript.match(/^\/\* ctx:(["'])([a-zA-Z0-9+/=]*)["'] raw:["']([a-zA-Z0-9+/=]*)["'] \*\/((.*\n?)*)$/);
if (match) {
const hash = hook.utils.createHash('sha256');
let digest = hash.digest('hex');
hashes[digest] = decodeURIComponent(new Buffer(match[2], 'base64').toString('binary'));
inScript = false;
let hashesJSON = JSON.stringify(hashes, null, 0);
console.log('script-hashes = \n' + JSON.stringify(hashes, null, 2));
let cacheBundleJSON = JSON.stringify(cacheBundle, null, 2);
file.contents = new Buffer(cacheBundleJSON);
callback(null, file);

gulp.task('script-hashes-integrity', () => {
return gulp.src(['demo/index.html', 'demo/original-index.html'], { base: 'demo' })
.pipe(through.obj((file, enc, callback) => {
let html = String(file.contents);
const cacheBundle = require('./demo/cache-bundle.json');
const scriptHashes = JSON.parse(cacheBundle[SCRIPT_HASHES_PSEUDO_URL]);
const scriptHashesJs = fs.readFileSync('./demo/script-hashes.js', 'UTF-8');
const mutatedScriptHashesJs = scriptHashesJs.replace('hook.parameters.scriptHashes = {}', 'hook.parameters.scriptHashes = ' + JSON.stringify(scriptHashes, null, 2));
const hashFunction = 'sha256';
const hash = hook.utils.createHash(hashFunction);
const integrity = hashFunction + '-' + hash.digest('base64');
const scriptUrl = 'script-hashes.js[?]no-hook=true&service-worker-ready=false';
html = html.replace(new RegExp(`src="(${scriptUrl})"( *)integrity="([^"]*)( [^"]*)?"`), `src="$1"$2integrity="$3 ${integrity}"`);
console.log('scriptHashes = ' + JSON.stringify(scriptHashes, null, 2));
console.log('scriptHashesJs = ' + scriptHashesJs);
console.log('mutatedScriptHashesJs = ' + mutatedScriptHashesJs);
console.log('mutatedScriptHashesJs integrity = ' + integrity);
//console.log('html = ' + html);
file.contents = new Buffer(html);
callback(null, file);

gulp.task('update-html-hash', shell.task('npm run updateHtmlHash'));

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -723,7 +472,7 @@ gulp.task('encode-demo-html', (done) => {
html = html.replace(/no-hook-authorization=([a-z0-9]*),([a-z0-9]*),/,
'no-hook-authorization=' + digests.join(',') + ',');
html = html.replace(/(src="cache-bundle[.]js\?no-hook=true&authorization=)([a-z0-9,]*)"/, '$1' + authorization + '"');
html = html.replace(/(src="cache-bundle[.]js\?no-hook=true&authorization=)([a-z0-9,]*)"/, '$1' + targetConfig['automation-secret'].authorization + '"');
integrity.forEach(([ scriptPath, scriptUrl, integrity, hookScript ]) => {
if (scriptPath === 'rawInlineNoHookScript') {
html = html.replace(new RegExp(scriptUrl), `$1${integrity}$3`);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1536,11 +1285,12 @@ gulp.task('_demo',
Expand All @@ -1558,15 +1308,16 @@ gulp.task('demo',
Expand Down

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