Date: August 26, 2021
Contact for the ORNL DAAC: [email protected]
Keywords: lidar, GEDI, AGBD, aboveground biomass
These tutorials demonstrate how to discover, access and use GEDI science data products archived at the ORNL DAAC.
- Searching and Downloading GEDI L4A Dataset (script)
- Subsetting GEDI L4A Footprints (script)
- Exploring GEDI L4A data structure
- Accessing GEDI L4A Dataset with NASA OPeNDAP in the Cloud (script)
- Apply correction to AGBD estimates for selected L4A shots
More tutorials related to ORNL DAAC data and web services can be found at the ORNL DAAC Learning page.
My notes: package required: requests datetime pandas shapely geopandas contextily h5py numpy glob os tabulate contextily numpy pandas matplotlib IPython matplotlib_scalebar scipy
the package of "contextily" cannot found and has not been installed. The environment is mostly correctly install, although there is one error: Pip subprocess output: Pip subprocess error: ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement glob (from versions: none) ERROR: No matching distribution found for glob