Pull request needs code review.
Pull request is reviewed well, but should not yet be merged.
Pull request requires no code review (e.g., a sub-repository hash update).
Pull request is in progress. No review needed at this stage.
Pull request should also be back-ported to the beta/stable branch(es).
Changes should be mentioned in the release notes of the next minor version release.
This PR changes public API; next release should be major.
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Improvements or additions to documentation
This issue or pull request already exists
The client fails to follow expected, security-sensitive, behaviour.
The client fails to follow expected behavior.
Extra attention is needed
Writing the issue is of the same difficulty as patching the code.
Can be fixed primarily by duplicating and adapting code by an intermediate coder
Can be fixed by a coder with good Rust knowledge but little knowledge of the codebase.
Further information is requested
This will not be worked on
An easy task were a mentor is available. Please indicate in the issue who the mentor could be.
A task worth setting up a bounty and can be fixed by potential contributors.