A little script that converts your exported .json file from anisearch.de and creates a suitable .xml file for import on myanimelist.com 🎌 Source code's in german here and there but that's probably no biggy since it's for anisearch users who are mainly german anyways.
If you have issues please contact me on Twitter or Discord.
Or if you don't want to bother installing Python and stuff. Running the script takes like 5 seconds just hit me up like another dude did before.
- Python installed on your machine to execute the script: https://www.python.org/downloads/
- The requests HTTP library
- A client ID to access the MAL-API which you can configure here
- Export your anisearch anime list: https://www.anisearch.de/usercp/list/anime/export
- Edit the script with your MAL developer client ID and the name of your .json file
- Make sure both the script and the .json file are in the same folder and then execute the script
- Wait for a while for it to finish (depends on the size of your list, really)
- Head over to the MAL import page, choose MyAnimeList Import as the type and enjoy
- added a timer
- added asynchronous handling of the API requests which cuts down the execution time by a lot (apparently, hitting the MAL API rate-limit's hard lol)
- added logfile in case of sus IDs
I have done some testing and it seems like manga lists can't be imported to MAL.
Feel free to contribute and have a wonderful day! c: