The purpose of this Symfony2 bundle is to automate the process of updating assets version each time it needs to be changed − doing this manually is a real pain.
The bundle can read and write assets_version
parameter in app/config/parameters.yml
from Symfony console. One of the advantages of the bundle is that it does not break existing formatting in the yaml file, all user comments are also kept.
So, if you configuration looks the following way:
# app/config/config.yml
templating: { engines: ['twig'], assets_version: %assets_version% }
# ...
# app/config/parameters.yml
assets_version: v42
# ...
then you can simply call php app/console assets_version:increment
to change version from v42
to v43
. It is important to clear prod
cache afterwards as this is not done automatically. More features are described below.
Detailed information on using assets versioning can be found in Symfony2 documentation:
Add the following dependency to your project’s composer.json file:
"require": {
// ...
"kachkaev/assets-version-bundle": "dev-master"
// ...
Now tell composer to download the bundle by running the command:
$ php composer.phar update kachkaev/assets-version-bundle
Composer will install the bundle to vendor/kachkaev
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Kachkaev\AssetsVersionBundle\KachkaevAssetsVersionBundle(),
// ...
Here is the default configuration for the bundle:
filename: %kernel.root_dir%/config/parameters.yml # name of the file where application parameters are stored
parametername: assets_version # name of property that defines assets version in that file
manager: Kachkaev\AssetsVersionBundle\AssetsVersionManager # location of version manager
scannedfiles: # location list of files where required to search changes.
# - %kernel.root_dir%/../web/css/css.less # example
# - %kernel.root_dir%/../web/css/second.less # example
In most cases custom configuration is not needed, so simply add the following line to your app/config/config.yml
kachkaev_assets_version: ~
Note: It is not recommended to store real value of assets version in config.yml
because its incrementing will cause git conflicts. It is better to keep it in parameters.yml
added to .gitignore
and also have parameters.yml.dist
with blank or initial value for assets version.
The bundle adds two commands to symfony console: assets_version:increment
and assets_version:set
that are incrementing and setting assets version, respectively. Usage examples:
# Increments assets version by 1 (e.g. was v42, became v43)
$ php app/console assets_version:increment
# Increments assets version by 10 (e.g. was 42, became 52; was 0042, became 0052 - leading zeros are kept)
$ php app/console assets_version:increment 10
# Sets version to "1970-01-01_0000"
$ php app/console assets_version:set 1970-01-01_0000
# Sets version to "abcDEF-something_else" (no numeric part, so assets_version:increment will stop working)
$ php app/console assets_version:set abcDEF-something_else
# Decrements assets version by 10 (e.g. was lorem.ipsum.0.15, became lorem.ipsum.0.5)
# Note two dashes before the argument that prevent symfony from parsing -1 as an option
$ php app/console assets_version:increment -- -10
# Decrementing version by a number bigger than current version results 0 (e.g. was v0010, became v0000)
$ php app/console assets_version:increment -- -1000
# Increments assets version by 1 if there were found changes in the files
$ php app/console assets_version:update
Value for assets version must consist only of letters, numbers and the following characters: .-_
. Incrementing only works when existing value is integer or has integer ending.
Please don’t forget to clear cache by calling php app/console cache:clear --env=prod
for changes to take effect in the production environment.
If you are using assetic bundle on your production server and want to change asset version at each dump automatically, you may find useful the following shell script:
# bin/update_assets
php app/console assets_version:increment --env=prod
php app/console cache:clear --env=prod
php app/console assetic:dump --env=prod
At the moment the bundle only works with yaml files, but more file types can be added if there is a demand.