Currently supported 1-Wire adapters:
- DS9097U Universal 1-Wire COM Port Adapter
Currently supported 1-Wire sensors:
- DS18S20 Temperature sensor
- DS18B20 Temperature sensor
Currently supported Beckhoff modules:
- EL6001 / EL6002 Serial RS232 interfaces
1-Wire functions:
OneWireAdapterReset: Resets the 1-Wire adapter by first sending a 0x00 byte at 4800 bps, followed by a 0xC1 byte at 9600 bps for baud rate calibration. Finally resets the 1-wire bus for adapter presence detection.
OneWireReset: Resets the 1-Wire bus.
OneWireMatchROM: Selects a sensor on the 1-Wire network ("Match ROM").
OneWireSkipROM: Selects all sensors on the 1-Wire network ("Skip ROM").
OneWireCRC: Plain 1-Wire CRC calculation...
Sensor functions:
DS1820ConvertTemperature: Starts temperature conversion on all DS18S20 / DS18B20 sensors on the network.
DS1820ReadScratchPad: Reads the "scratch pad" data from the selected temperature sensor, checks its CRC and calculates the temperature.
Example program:
Reads temperatures from two 1-Wire sensors.
Make sure to set the sensor ids / addresses in temp_sensor_1_address and temp_sensor_2_address first:
temp_sensor_1_address : ARRAY[1..8] OF BYTE := 16#10, 16#38, 16#9E, 16#55, 16#03, 16#08, 16#00, 16#69; temp_sensor_2_address : ARRAY[1..8] OF BYTE := 16#10, 16#EF, 16#EF, 16#55, 16#03, 16#08, 16#00, 16#88;