- Kafka is just like a messaging system
- It is distributed platform / application
- In Production Environment kafka is referred as kafka cluster
- A cluster is made up of more than 1 kafka server
- Each kafka server is referred as Broker
- Kafka is fault-tolerant
- Ability of a system to continue operating without interruption when 1 or more of its components fail
- Message is replicated in one or more brokers
- Replication factor
- Kafka is Salable system
- you can add new nodes
- you can increase the number of consumers
- You will have a Kafka server (Broker)
- You can create Multiple topic inside Broker
- Every topic Must have partitions
- P1, P2 are producers which publish directly to the partition which is present inside topic
- There is a Consumer group , which will have consumers, there can be 1 or many consumer group which can have 1 or more Consumers,
**Consumer **can't hang independently, it should associated with Consumer group
- Consumers will directly consume messages from topic
- ZOOKEEPER is linked with kafka server, it is distributed open source configuration synchronization service
It is like etc-storage in kubernetics, which will store meta data of the cluster
- Which consumers have read
- Cluster information - what is partition, what is RAM used kind of information is stored in ZOOKEEPER
- topic configuratoin
- Pre-requisite - Java Needs to be installed in your Machine
- Download Latest version of Kafka from here
- Kafka has config file called
& Zookeeper has config calledzookeeper.properties
- Following changes need to be done on
- Start Zookeeper First By using the following command
bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh config/zookeeper.properties
- After It is started successfully, Now start Kafka on other terminal using the following command
JMX_PORT=8004 bin/kafka-server-start.sh config/server.properties
- Once KAFKA is successfully ran you can see log file in last line of shell where ZOOKEEPER is opened
- Download CMAK from this github repo
- Move inside CMAK using
, and then run./sbt clean dist
, before running you can confirm sbt file is there after cloning the repo - You can confirm successful code execution by checking
directory is created or not - In
location you can find tar file namedcmak-
- Unzip it
- In
you can findapplication.conf
, there change the followingcmak.zkhosts=“zookeeper-host:2181"
- Starting Kafka manager - Now move to
directory and runbin/cmak -Dconfig.file=conf/application.conf -Dhttp.port=8080
- In Browser check
- Configuration required by the producer
- Bootstrap server (which is nothing kafka server address, i.e., http://IP:9092), producer can publish only if this address is specified on our producer file
- topic
- send method is used to publish in producer script
- value serializer
- Libraries used
- pip install Faker
- pip install kafka-python
- Kafka Will have default topic called
- Topic is Kafka component where producers are connected
- Publisher Publish a message in Kafka topic
- Kafka in Topic is multi subscriber i.e., Topic can have more than 1 consumers
- In Kafka Topic are logical entity, which means, when we say message is published to Topic, it means message published to PARTITIONS inside Topic
- Topics is divided into multiple parts called PARTITIONS
- PARTITIONS can be considered as a linear Data structure same as ARRAY
- Message are actually stored in Topic Patition
- Every partition will have partition number
- Every partition has increasing index (similar to array index where it starts from 0 and goes on) called OFFSET
- New messages are always pushed at rear end
- Data which published is immutable (can't be changed) after publish
- We can have 1 r many partition in a single topic
- In Multi Broker Kafka Cluster , Partitions are distributed across whole cluster i.e., For Ex: P0(Partition) will be on B1(Broker1), P2 will be in B2, P1 & P3 will be in B#
- 1Topic & 1Partition
- Message will published
- 1Topic & 2Partition
- Message will get randomly published by default ,without any pattern followed ( But we can control it i.e., we can send a message to only one Partition )
- 1Topic & 2Partition - redirecting message to particular partition
- Partitioner method should contain following arguments
- key_bytes
- all_partition
- available_partition
- Partitioner method should contain following arguments
- Consumer actually consume messages from partition , which is inside topic
- Every consumer should associated with consumer group
- if no group_id is provided for a consumer, random consumer group id will be given
- Configuration needed by the consumer
- topic
- bootstrap_server (kafka cluster)
- group_id
- Logical grouping of 1 or more consumer
- Consumer instances are separate process
- Consumer instance of same consumer group can be on different nodes
- Consumer can consume from more than 1 partition
- Same partition can't be assigned to multiple consumers in same consumer group
- 1Topic , 1Partition - Message will be Published to that available partition
- 1Topic , 2Partition - Message will be published randomly without any pattern
- 1Topic , 2Partition - If we need to send message to only one partition (say P0), we need to use
script which is in code section needs to be used instead ofProducer.py
- 2Partition, 1Consumer - Consumer will consume all the messages that come on both the partitions
- 1Partition, 2Consumer
- If both Consumer on same consumer group , only one consumer will consume messages , other one will sit idle
- If both Consumer on different consumer group , both consumer will consume messages
- 2Partition, 2Consumer - either P0 -> C1 & P1 -> C0 or vice versa
- Each partition is replicated across multiple server for fault tolerance
- Only one partition will be active at a time called LEADER
- Other partition are called FOLLOWER
- Leader handles all read and write request for partition, while followers passively replicate from the leader
- KAFKA CLUSTER - 3Broker 1Topic 1Partition 1Replicatoin
- P0 will be present in any one of the 3Brokers and it is called Leader, other 2Brokers will not have any PARTITIONS.
- KAFKA CLUSTER - 3Broker 1Topic 1Partition 2Replicatoin
- P0 will be present in any one of the 3Brokers and called as LEADER; 1FOLLOWER will be in any one of other 2Broker; 1Broker will not have any PARTITIONS
- KAFKA CLUSTER - 3Broker 1Topic 1Partition 3Replicatoin
- P0 will be present in any one of the 3Brokers and called as LEADER; 2FOLLOWER will be in other 2Broker;