Android MVVM sample project in Kotlin using hybrid UI (Android XML + Jetpack Compose), Coroutines, Flow, AndroidX Navigation, Room, Retrofit, Moshi, Coil written in about 10h
- minSDK 21: 99% of active devices according to Google (02/2023)
- Good separation of business logic and android/view specific code
- Handling of configuration changes
- Pushed by google to be the "modern android" way
- Hybrid UI (XML + Compose): Personal learning challenge
- Jetpack Navigation: No hassle of dealing with the fragment backstack manually
- Kotlin Coroutines + Flow:
- Automatic UI / Database updates
- good readability
- platform independent
- Retrofit + Moshi: Field-tested stack for consuming HTTP-Rest APIs
- Koin Dependency Injection: Personal learning challenge
- Material Design 3 dynamic colors and darkmode
- Implement more features
- Fake beer data from
- App icon: Google Noto Emoji (Open Font License)
- Other icons: Google Material Design Icons (Apache 2.0)