- It is a collabrative project built by team of five members in 5 days.
- This app allows users to create channels and send messages to each other in real-time.
##Deploy Link
- Netlify website link-> https://singular-axolotl-96063b.netlify.app/
- render Backend link-> https://funny-deer-bracelet.cyclic.app/
- render Socket link -> https://socketbe-prags1709.onrender.com
- User authentication & validation.
- Customer Features:
- Registering themselves with application, and logging in to get the valid session token
- create channel
- Real-time messaging using Socket.io
- Channels for group messaging
- Only logged in users can communicate.
npm i --global
cd backend
cd userserver
npx run server
Redis Cloud Password + Host + Port
Nodemailer Password
GET /api/
POST /api/mail/verify
POST /api/mail/sendotp
POST /api/cred/login
POST /api/cnl/addChannel
POST /api/cnl/addChannel
POST /socket_api/channel
- User Module
- Workspace Module
Project Highlights |