This is a Booking Service which allows you to choose seats and book
Routes go through the link for api Points
MySql , Express.js , Nodejs , Sequilze , Sequilize-cli
note: please,Follow the steps exactly
- Clone the Repositorty using this command
git pull (github url)
- Update the MySQL credentials in
(in development only).
3 .start local Mysql Server ,Create a database using this command
CREATE DATABASE bookingservice
Open the file in the terminal
- Use the below command in terminal:
docker-compose up --build
It will create a Docker image and run it automatically.
If you stop the application and want to use it again, you can use this command:
docker run -p 3000:3000 <DOCKER IMAGE ID>
Export .csv data to Mysql databases
Your Set to go
--> New to Docker
--> facing chanllenges while connecting local Mysql server with Docker
--> Exporting csv file into Mysql and creating Schema for the Tables.
1.Usage of Docker
2.More Clarity on Creating Mysql data base