The SparkFun RTK Surveyor, SparkFun RTK Express, SparkFun RTK Express Plus, SparkFun RTK Facet, SparkFun RTK Facet L-Band and SparkFun RTK Reference Station are centimeter-level GNSS receivers. With RTK enabled, these devices can output your location with 14mm horizontal and vertical accuracy at up to 20Hz!
This repo houses the compiled binaries for the RTK product line.
Here are links to other helpful places:
- RTK Product Manual is helpful for all questions.
- RTK Firmware is the open source firmware that runs on the RTK products.
Product pages:
- SparkFun RTK Facet L-Band
- SparkFun RTK Facet
- SparkFun RTK Reference Station
- SparkFun RTK Express Plus
- SparkFun RTK Express
- SparkFun RTK Surveyor
If you're interested in the PCB, enclosure, or overlay on each product please see the hardware repos:
- SparkFun RTK Facet L-Band Hardware
- SparkFun RTK Facet Hardware
- SparkFun RTK Reference Station Hardware
- SparkFun RTK Express Plus Hardware
- SparkFun RTK Express Hardware
- SparkFun RTK Surveyor Hardware
- RTK Product Manual - A detail guide describing all the various software features of the RTK product line. Essentially it is a manual for the firmware in this repository.
- RTK Facet L-Band Hookup Guide - Hookup guide for the SparkFun RTK Facet L-Band.
- RTK Facet Hookup Guide - Hookup guide for the SparkFun RTK Facet.
- RTK Reference Station Hookup Guide - Hookup guide for the SparkFun RTK Reference Station.
- RTK Express Hookup Guide - Hookup guide for the SparkFun RTK Express and Express Plus.
- RTK Surveyor Hookup Guide - Hookup guide for the SparkFun RTK Surveyor.
- / - Pre-compiled binaries of SparkFun RTK firmware, suitable for loading (see Updating Firmware). Please see the RTK Firmware Uploader Repo for the additional files (bootloader, partition, and boot) needed when using esp_tool.
- /PreviousVersion - Older versions of the RTK firmware binaries, not recommended for use.
- /Uploader_GUI - A link to the RTK Uploader Repo which contains the GUI for updating the firmware on RTK units. See Updating Firmware From GUI.
- /u-blox_Update_GUI - A python and Windows executable GUI for updating the firmware on the u-blox modules within the RTK device (ZED-F9x and NEO-D9S primarily but all u-blox GNSS products are supported). See Updating u-blox Firmware.
- /NEO Firmware - Copies of Binaries from u-blox for loading onto NEO-D9S (used on RTK Facet L-Band)
- /ZED Firmware - Copies of Binaries from u-blox for loading onto ZED-F9x
For building the firmware, see Compiling Source.
For the documentation, see mkdocs.yml and /workflows/mkdocs.yml.
For building the Uploader_GUI, please see the dedicated RTK Uploader repo
For building the u-blox_Update_GUI see the header comments of
This product is open source! Please see for more details.
Please feel free to contribute to both the firmware and documentation.
Please use, reuse, and modify these files as you see fit. Please maintain attribution to SparkFun Electronics and release anything derivative under the same license.
Distributed as-is; no warranty is given.
- Your friends at SparkFun.