Newly is clone mobile app of Inshorts news App UI.
- Swip up for next news story
- Swipe down for previous news story.
- Tap on bottom action button to read full story on published website.
- Tap on share icon to share the news in WhatsApp, Facebook or anywhere.
background: newsCard(prevIndex),
child: newsCard(index),
secondaryBackground: newsCard(nextIndex),
resizeDuration: Duration(milliseconds: 10),
key: Key(index.toString()),
direction: DismissDirection.vertical,
onDismissed: (direction) {
Utils.launchURL(urlString); //website url
1 month ago
Utils.timeAgoSinceDate(publishedAt) //2020-05-16T00:25:25Z
This can be replaced with the real news api call.
send email at [email protected]