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A dataset of synthesized soundscapes and crowdsourced sound event annotations.


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Seeing Sound Dataset

Created by

Mark Cartwright*, Ayanna Seals*, Justin Salamon*, Alex Williams^, Stefanie Mikloska^, Duncan MacConnell*, Edith Law^, Juan Pablo Bello*, and Oded Nov*
* New York University, USA
^ University of Waterloo, Canada


This is dataset contains the synthesized soundscapes and crowdsourced audio annotations that accompany the paper,

M. Cartwright, A. Seals, J. Salamon, A. Williams, S. Mikloska, D. MacConnell, E. Law, J. Bello, and O. Nov. "Seeing sound: Investigating the effects of visualizations and complexity on crowdsourced audio annotations." In Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 1(2), 2017.

which investigates the effects of soundscape complexity and sound visualizations on the quality and speed of annotations of sound events (i.e. start time, end time, sound class, and proximity).

In this dataset, we varied the soundscape complexity along two dimensions: maximum polyphony (3 levels) and Gini polyphony (2 levels). Maximum polyphony is the maximum number of sound events that occurred simultaneously in the soundscape. Gini polyphony is a measure of the concentration of sound events. For each of the 6 (3 x 2) combinations of complexity levels, we synthesized 10 soundscapes using Scaper, each of which was 10 seconds long, for a total of 60 soundscapes. Each soundscape was annotated by 90 participants from Amazon's Mechanical Turk. Of these 90 participants, 30 were aided by waveform visualization, 30 were aided by a spectrogram visualization, and 30 did not have any visualization aid. For more details on how this data was collected, please refer to the paper.


There are 60 soundscape audio files and 60 corresponding annotation files.

Audio files included

The audio files are in WAV format and are named as follows: soundscape-<soundscape_id>_m<max_polyphony_level>_g<gini_polyphony_level>.wav, e.g. soundscape-0-m0-g0.wav

Annotation files included

The anotation files are in JAMS format and are named as follows: soundscape-<soundscape_id>_m<max_polyphony_level>_g<gini_polyphony_level>.jams, e.g. soundscape-0-m0-g0.jams, the annotation file for the soundscape in soundscape-0-m0-g0.wav

JAMS is a JSON-based audio annotation format. For details about this format and JAMS-specific reading and writing tools, refer to

To load a JAMS annotation file using Python:

  import scaper
  jams_filename = 'soundscape0-m0-g0.jams'
  jam = scaper.jams.load(jams_filename)

Note that this requires Scaper because the custom sound_event namespace is defined in scaper.

There is one JAMS file for each soundscape. Each JAMS file includes both the ground-truth annotations as generated by the soundscape synthesizer, Scaper, and also each of the soundscape's 90 crowdsourced annotations.

Ground-truth annotations

The first annotation is the ground-truth annotation (i.e. jam.annotations[0]) generated by Scaper. Each sound event within the ground truth annotation is described by its time (jam.annotations[0].time), duration (jam.annotations[0].duration), and value (jam.annotations[0].value), which contains additional attributes such as sound class (e.g. jam.annotations[0].value[0]['label']), signal-to-noise ratio (the LUFS ratio between the sound event and the noise floor—e.g. jam.annotations[0].value[0]['snr']), and the signal-to-mix-minus-one ratio (the LUFS ratio between the sound event and the other sound sources in the mix—e.g. jam.annotations[0].values[0]['smm1r']).

In addition, the sandbox of the ground-truth annotation (i.e. jam.annotations[0].sandbox.scaper) describes all of the Scaper parameters used to generate the soundscape.

Crowdsourced annotations

The crowdsourced annotations begin at index 1, i.e. jam.annotations[1:]. Each sound event within a crowdsourced annotation is described by its perceived start time (e.g. jam.annotations[1].time), perceived duration (e.g. jam.annotations[1].duration), and value (e.g. jam.annotations[1].value), which contains additional attributes such as the perceived sound class (e.g. jam.annotations[1].value[0]['label']) and the perceived proximity (how close the participant perceived the event—near, far, or not sure).

The metadata of each crowdsourced annotation contains additional information about the annotatation including attributes of the annotator (e.g. jam.annotations[1].annotation_metadata.annotator). This includes:

  • participant_id - a unique ID assigned to each participant
  • age - the participant's self-reported age
  • gender - the participant's self-reported gender identification
  • musical instrument experience - the participant's response to: Approximate your level of the following: - Experience playing a musical instrument on a scale from 1 ("no experience") to 7 ("expert")
  • audio technology experience - the participant's response to: Approximate your level of the following: - Experience using audio recording and/or sound editing technology on a scale from 1 ("no experience") to 7 ("expert")
  • sound labeling experience - the participant's response to: Approximate your level of the following: - Experience labeling sound recordings on a scale from 1 ("no experience") to 7 ("expert")

In addition, the sandbox of the crowdsourced annotations (e.g. jam.annotations[1].sandbox) contains additional variables from our experiment such as the visualization, the gini polyphony level, the max polyphony level, the class label options, the annotation task index (order index in which the soundscape was presented to the participant), the task length.

Classes of sound events

The soundscapes in this dataset contain the following classes of sound events:

  • car horn honking
  • dog barking
  • engine idling
  • gun shooting
  • jackhammer drilling
  • music playing
  • people shouting
  • people talking
  • siren wailing

Please acknowledge Seeing Sound Dataset in academic research

When referencing this paper and dataset, please use the following Bibtex citation:

    Author = {Cartwright, M. and Seals, A. and Salamon, J. and Williams, A. and Mikloska, S. and MacConnell, D. and Law, E. and Bello, J.P. and Nov, O.},
    Journal = {Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction},
    Number = {2},
    Title = {Seeing Sound: Investigating the Effects of Visualizations and Complexity on Crowdsourced Audio Annotations},
    Volume = {1},
    Year = {2017},
    DOI = {10.1145/3134664}}

Tools used to create this dataset

Conditions of use

Dataset compiled by Mark Cartwright, Ayanna Seals, Justin Salamon, Alex Williams, Stefanie Mikloska, Duncan MacConnell, Edith Law, Juan Pablo Bello, and Oded Nov.

The Seeing Sound Dataset is offered free of charge for use only under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (by), version 4.0:

The dataset and its contents are made available on an "as is" basis and without warranties of any kind, including without limitation satisfactory quality and conformity, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy or completeness, or absence of errors. Subject to any liability that may not be excluded or limited by law, NYU is not liable for, and expressly excludes, all liability for loss or damage however and whenever caused to anyone by any use of the Seeing Sound Dataset or any part of it.


Please help us improve the Seeing Sound Datset by sending your feedback to: [email protected] or [email protected] In case of a problem report please include as many details as possible.


A dataset of synthesized soundscapes and crowdsourced sound event annotations.







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