This template should help get you started developing with Vue 3 in Vite.
VSCode + Volar (and disable Vetur).
See Vite Configuration Reference.
npm install
npm run dev
npm run build
Run Unit Tests with Vitest
npm run test:unit
Run End-to-End Tests with Cypress
npm run test:e2e:dev
This runs the end-to-end tests against the Vite development server. It is much faster than the production build.
But it's still recommended to test the production build with test:e2e
before deploying (e.g. in CI environments):
npm run build
npm run test:e2e
Lint with ESLint
npm run lint
- create .env file in root of the project directory
- add VITE_PORT=5173
- add VITE_HOST=
Configure backend created in Ruby on Rails
Assuming you have docker installed if you not follow Installation instruction.
Execute this command from root of project folder.
sudo docker compose up --build