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API reference

efotopoulou edited this page Nov 14, 2019 · 30 revisions

Following table shows the API endpoints of the Policy Manager.
Policy Manager APIs are also available at the central API documentation of the SONATA orchestrator
Finally tng-policy-mngr supports its own swagger endpoint at [http:///swagger-ui.html]

Action HTTP Method Endpoint
GET a list of all Runtime policies GET /api/v1
GET a list of all Runtime policies matching a specific network service GET /api/v1?ns_uuid={value}
GET the number of all Runtime policies GET /api/v1/counter
Create a Runtime Policy POST /api/v1
Create a Runtime Policy from UI POST /api/v1/ui
Edit a Runtime Policy from UI PUT /api/v1/ui
GET a Runtime policy GET /api/v1/{policy_uuid}
Clone a Runtime policy GET /api/v1/clone/{policy_uuid}
Update a Runtime Policy PUT /api/v1
Delete a Runtime Policy DELETE /api/v1/{policy_uuid}
Activate a Runtime Policy GET /api/v1/activate/{nsr_id}/{policy_uuid}
Deactivate a Runtime Policy GET /api/v1/deactivate/{nsr_id}
Get Available policy during NS instantiated period ready to be activated OR deactivated GET /api/v1/records/{nsr_id}
Bind a Runtime Policy to an SLA PATCH /api/v1/bind/{policy_uuid}
Define a Runtime Policy as default PATCH /api/v1/default/{policy_uuid}
GET a list of all Recommended Actions GET /api/v1/actions
GET the number of all Recommended Actions GET /api/v1/actions/counter
Create the Placement Policy POST /api/v1/placement
GET the Placement policy GET /api/v1/placement
Pings to policy manager GET /api/v1/pings
Get all available NS metrics during creation of a Policy via the UI GET /monitoring_metrics/{ns_id}

Sample runtime policy descriptors can be found at policy descriptor examples based at policy descriptor schema. Policy rules defined at policy descriptors are translated at drool rules.

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