Developer Portal Template Files for Kong Enterprise Edition
NOTE: These templates are for use with Kong Developer Portal
and above. Please checkout forv0.36.*
and below.
First install the Kong Portal CLI, then follow these instructions:
$ git clone [email protected]:Kong/kong-portal-templates.git
$ cd kong-portal-templates
$ portal deploy default
Path: workspaces/<workspace-name>
Workspaces are a way to segment entities within Kong. Each workspace contains one portal each with it's own content and themes.
Each Workspace follows the following structure:
Path: workspaces/<workspace-name>/cli.conf.yaml
Workspace CLI configuration file is used by the Kong Portal CLI tool, see CLI configuration documentation for more details.
Path: workspaces/<workspace-name>/portal.conf.yaml
Workspace specific portal configuration.
Values declared here will take priority over both theme.conf.yaml
and values
defined in your Kong kong.conf