-> /at /am /snoospawn
-> use /at with no params for help and usage
-> /at [gadget/item/monsterID] [radiusFromSelf] [heightFromSelf] [count] [spread] [rotX] [rotY] [rotZ]
-> /at none (to reset)
-> /at clear (to remove all present gadgets,items spawned by this plugin)
-> /at config (to load from config.json in plugin folder)
You may get hit by your own attacks.
-> right now u need to stop the server to save the config file, meaning u cannot edit it while the server is running else it wldnt save.
-> the server might overload with the amt of gadgets spawned since the gadget cannot be removed in certain cases
-> if ur pc/laptop/dick fries due to u being retard and set 1 million gadgets per basic atk, u are own ur own and its 100% ur fault.
Get latest AttackModifier.jar release from releases and place it in your \grasscutter\plugins
Restart the server if it was already running.