Ergonomic HTMX extensions for Elementary
import Elementary
import ElementaryHTMX
// first-class support for all HTMX attributes
form("/items"),"#list"), .hx.swap(.outerHTML)) {
input(.type(.text), .name("item"), .value("New Item"))
input(.type(.submit), .value("Add Item"))
div {
button(.hx.delete("items/\(")) { "❌" }
MyFragment(items: items)
.attributes(.hx.swapOOB(.outerHTML, "#list"))
import Elementary
import ElementaryHTMXSSE
// HTMX Server Send Events extension
div(.hx.ext(.sse), .sse.connect("/time"), .sse.swap("message")) {
import Elementary
import ElementaryHTMXWS
// HTMX WebSockets extension
div(.hx.ext(.ws), .ws.connect("/echo")) {
form(.ws.send) {
input(.type(.text), .name("message"))
button { "Send" }
div(.id("echo")) {}
import Elementary
import ElementaryHyperscript
// Hyperscript extension
button(.hyperscript("on click send hello to <form />")) {
Check out the Hummingbird example app.
Check out the Vapor example app.
The package brings the .hx
syntaxt to all HTMLElements
- providing a rich API for most HTMX attributes.
There is also an ElementaryHTMXSSE
module that adds the .sse
syntax for the Server Sent Events extensions, as well as ElementaryHTMXWS
to add the .ws
syntax for the WebSockets extensions.
The package also supports the Hyperscript _
attribute as .hyperscript
- Add module (or separate package?) for HTMX Request and Response headers
PRs welcome.