An example application using Thymeleaf/Bootstrap as frontend and Spring MVC, Spring Data, Spring Security. This project have 2 branches - user representation with help of Thymeleaf and RESTful part with Swagger UI.
NOTE: This project is under development, a lot of new features will be added in future.
Technology stack:
- Spring Non-boot application version 5.1.3.RELEASE
- Spring MVC
- Spring Data JPA
- Hibernate version 5.3.7.Final
- PostgreSQL
- Spring Security
- Thymeleaf
- Swagger-ui/Spring REST Docs
- Spring Test/JUnit/Mockito
- Lombok
- Bootstrap
Oracle Java 8 is required, go to Oracle Java website to download it and install into your system.
Apache Maven
Download the latest Apache Maven from, and uncompress it into your local system.
Get a copy of the source code into your local system.
git clone
- Install PostgreSQL into your local system.
- Create a schema and put the data with help of src.main.resources.dumpBD
You can use one of the following approaches to run this project.
Run the backend API server and frontend UI.
The backend APIs will run on port 8080.
Go to http://localhost:8080 to test it.
After deployment it will be looks like.
Run the backend API server.
The backend APIs will run on port 8080.
If you want to explore the REST API docs online, there is a Swagger UI configured for visualizing the REST APIs, just go to http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html.
After deployment and opened http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html it will be looks like.
You have to try this experience!!