PachetHooker is packet capture that has analyze and notify.
It sends POST if packets are matched specified status.
Analyzer Name | Description |
TCP-Connection Counter | it counts tcp-connection every server. for example, it sends POST if the counter exceeds specified count. |
HTTP Responce Checker | not supported yet |
Query Responce Checker | not supported yet |
- CentOS 7.x
- x86 cpu
git clone
cd packethooker
sudo ./tool/
vi /etc/pkthooker/pkthooker.cnf
CAPTURE_IFACE = "ens3" # add target interface name
this is example for slack post setting
vi /etc/pkthooker/pkthooker.cnf
HOOK_PRM = "channel=#(channel-name),username=(botname),text={@message}"
systemctl enable pkthooker
systemctl start pkthooker
systemctl status pkthooker