This package contains spatial generators to be used with model_mommy.
Model Mommy is a Django package that creates random model instances with predefined data.
This work intends to expand it and allow it to generate GeoDjango spatial fields.
At this moment, there is a generator for point (random), linestring (random) and polygon (rectangular polygon) field types.
This needs substantial help with packaging and testing.
All new ideas welcome.
To install this you just need to
pip install -e git+
- Model Mommy (obviously);
To integrate this work with model_mommy, you need to create a dict variable on your called MOMMY_CUSTOM_FIELDS_GEN and concatenate the already predefined dict we provide (MOMMY_SPATIAL_FIELDS), located in
model_mommy should take of the rest.
from mommy_spatial_generators import MOMMY_SPATIAL_FIELDS
Just run:
./ test
- mdj2, aka Matt Johnson for fixing some things and implementing MultiPolygon support (;
- pchiquet, aka Pierre Chiquet, for fixing some things and implementing support for granulirity in point generation (;