On Rocky 8:
sudo yum install -y python3
python3 -m pip install --user yq
- K3s
- Flannel (disabled due to nf_tables issues)
- Calico
- Includes calicoctl
- Not using operator - makes little sense in airgapped installs
- Helm
- Crane
./quickstart.sh freeze
./quickstart.sh download
./quickstart.sh install
- If installing manually, K3s pods will be in 'Pending' state until Calico is installed
- This is because Flannel is disabled, so the node has no CNI -
kubectl describe node
should show it as not ready because there is no CNI
- This is because Flannel is disabled, so the node has no CNI -
- K3s Uninstall only cleans up resources IT installs - see k3s-io/k3s#1469