Package 'ggpmisc' (Miscellaneous Extensions to 'ggplot2') is a set of extensions to R package 'ggplot2' (>= 2.1.0) useful when plotting diverse types of data.
Functions try_data_frame() and try_tibble() can be used to convert time series objects into data frames or tibbles suitable for plotting. To complement these functions ggplot methods for "ts" and "xts" classes are defined.
Different statistics, geometries and functions add facilities for labelling peaks and valleys, generating labels for fitted models including polynomial equations, highlighting deviations from a model fit, and for filtering-out regions of plot panels with high densities of observations (with stats designed to work nicely together with package 'ggrepel').
Another group of ggplot statistics and geometries which echo their input aim at easing debugging during development of new geoms and statistics (or learning how they work).
Please, see the web site r4photobiology for details and update notices. Other packages, aimed at easing photobiology-related calculations including the quantification of biologically effective radiation in meteorology are available as part of a suite described at the same website.
The current release of 'ggpmisc' is available through CRAN for R (>= 3.2.0).